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Everything posted by shazzyG

  1. Many thanks to evryone for their suggestions, apologies for the late response, I've had a mini breakdown with all this and probably left it too late now to appeal against the liability order, if that was at all possible. Just can't deal with anything at the moment. Sorry thanks again for trying to help
  2. Hi all, I am hoping that somebody here can possibly offer some help as I am literally at the end of my tether, desperately trying to hold it together for the sake of my two young children but its too hard. Where to start.......15yrs ago, before we met, my partner had a brief "relationship" with a girl he worked with at the time, lasting for a couple of weeks. 15yrs later, he gets a summons to attend a hearing for a liability order at a magistrates court, from the CSA. After the shock factor had settled he went along to the court and asked for legal representation. He was told that none was available so he sat and waited to be called. Sure enough, a man came to get him and took him in a room. A very nice man, all caring and sympathetic, told my partner that all he needed to do was to write to the CSA for any details he needed and they would sort it out and that was all that he needed to do and that today was really just a case of admin. My partner thought that THAT was his hearing, he has never been to a magistrates court before (or indeed any other court), the gentleman did not say who he was but I have just read on another site that the CSA will sometimes pull you to one side before your hearing to convince you that you do not need to attend. Is this right? Has this happened? I am absolutely FURIOUS!!!! As soon as I read it, I knew this is what had happened but then I think NOOOO, they can't do that? surely? The very next day, my partner received a letter from the CSA to say that the Liability Order had been granted and 11years of arrears have to be paid in 7 days. Did his hearing go ahead without him there because a man in a suit got rid of him before it had started? Please someone tell me that this couldn't happen.........?????? Any help at all would be so greatly appreciated, I won't sleep now for weeks.
  3. Thank you so much for your help guys, it is most appreciated. I have had a look at previous threads (which is what I should have done first, apologies, I was just getting rather distraught). I will sort a letter tonight and post it recorded delivery in the morning, and take it from there. thanks again xx
  4. Sorry, here goes... 2 weeks ago 3 members of staff (including myself) was called in by security and questioned about some stock that was missing. We all knew who had taken it but didn't want to get him in trouble so denied all knowledge. It turned out that they had gained CCTV footage of the person responsible and so he was called in again and sacked. This time he admitted everything and said that everybody knew about it. As I had earlier denied all knowledge, I was suspended and a few days later, the boss called and asked me to resign & said that if I didnt resign, he would sack me and the police would be brought in and they could deal with it all. I pleaded that I had told him about 8 weeks earlier that this same person had taken something but as there was no proof, I was told to give this person a stern talking to and it was left at that. So what was different this time? Our normal payday came & went, we hadn't been paid. Since then I have called numerous times but my boss will not take my calls. I desperately need my pay as I have a family to feed and we have no money at all. I have been waiting for my P60 since April (I need this to renew my tax credit before 31st July) I need my P45 and my last few payslips that I still have not had. Is there anything that I can do? I'm scared to push it too far as he said that because I knew about the theft, I could be associated. many thanks
  5. Hi all, I have recently been forced to resign but my employer is now witholding my pay along with my P60 (which I have been asking for since April), my P45 and my last few payslips which I have never received. He will not answer my calls. I have worked there for 2 and a half years but do not have a contract. A member of staff had stolen some stock and said that I knew about it so because I didn't say anything, I was made to resign, if I didn't resign, they said they would sack me aswell and involve the police. I did not want to be sacked and have misconduct on my record as finding another job would be impossible so I resigned. The first time this person stole something, I did report it and was told to give them a telling off (to put it politely) and nothing was done, so this time I just did the same thing. I literally have NO money and am now overdrawn with my bank. How do I proceed from here? Any advice would be gratefully received.
  6. apologies tomtubby, I hadn't noticed that I had a 'page 2' on this thread and so had completely missed your reply (d'oh!) so sorry. How would I know if they have levied the car? Would there be a levy fee listed? Does the car need to be present when they visit for them to levy on it? I just seem to have come to a bit of a standstill now and have no idea what I should do now. Any advice would be greatly received. many thanks
  7. Hi there, I have an identical situation with Equita. As you don't have a car that they can seize, as long as you don't let them in, there is absolutely nothing that they can do. They will say all sorts to trick you into believing that they can gain entry and remove your goods whether you are there or not but it is all hot air. You do not even have to speak to them when they visit but I have been advised that if you do speak to them, do it through the letterbox or an upstairs window so you do not have to open the door for them. They can gain entry through an unlocked door or window so as long as you keep these locked you'll be fine. I am new to this forum but this is the advice that I have been given and I'm sure someone with far more trusted knowledge will be along shortly. I just wanted to let you know that you are by no means on your own. I have written and requested a breakdown of their ridiculous fees. Anyway, until somebody with more info comes along, have a read through some other posts, good luck and relax, they can't do anything.
  8. Thanks Hallowitch. Can anyone advise me on my next move? How do I know if they have levied on the car? Does anyone know the ruling on attendance fees? Can they charge for this if they don't take anything? Have they already levied on the car for them to charge this? I just don't know what to do next. Any help would be most appreciated.
  9. Hi again, Latest update is, I wrote back asking for a balance and breakdown of charges/fees and got a letter back yesterday with the following: Parking Fine £80.00 Initial letter £11.20 Visit Fees £62.00 Attendence Fees £150.00 VAT £39.02 Total £342.00 Now, this was the total given verbally by bailiff on FIRST visit. They don't say how many visits the £62 is for so can't tell if they are right. Also, as he has charged an attendence fee does this mean that he has made a levy on the car? Letter says could be subject to further charges. If anyone could shed any light on next move, I would be most appreciated. many thanks
  10. I sent a recorded delivery letter to Equita asking for a statement of my account as I want to know what fees they have added to my account and what those fees are for. The bailiff said that my bill has gone from £92 to £342 but has not given me anything in writing or any explanation for the increase. i stated in the letter that I wanted a statement of my account and that this was not a subject access request and did not incur the £10 fee. I got a reply this morning telling me that it IS a subject access request and that I need to provide the £10 before they will do anything. Is this right? Do I really have to pay £10 to get a breakdown of the fees that they have added to my acount? Surely I am entitled to know what they are charging me for? Any help would be most appreciated.
  11. That sounds great, any advice on how to proceed would be most appreciated. Thank you.
  12. We basically thought we had parked on asda's car park, went in asda to do shopping and when we came out we had a ticket as turned out that the part of the car park we'd parked in actually was the market car park & was pay and display. There were hundreds of spaces for Asda!! trust us to pick the wrong one! Ticket issued by Cheshire East council, they don't want to know, have tried numerous times, even offered to pay their charges for dropping bailiffs but not interested at all. We received the papers from Northampton, our own fault, meant to deal with them but I suffered miscariage (can prove this as spent 4 days in hospital) but just got put to the side to sort 'later'. I'm not trying to get out of paying, I know we owe this and have to pay for our genuine mistake, it is just the murky way the bailiffs have operated in pretending that we have not called them when the debt was only £92. It obviously isn't worth them taking payment at that stage as their cut would not be worth anything. Why won't he give me anything in writing to say that it is £342. If I pay that amount now he could then say that it has gone up again and we owe another £342.
  13. If he takes or clamps the car today I won't be able to pick the kids up from school as it isn't within walking distance (not for them anyway). I don't mind paying the fine and any reasonable fees as we have tried to do twice.
  14. oops sorry, that should say if he misses 3 payments, the CAR and any money paid remains the property of his boss.
  15. thanks for the speedy reply. the car and fine are in my partners name but I am self employed and use the car for work. He is buying the car from his boss who is taking monthly instalments from his wages and has signed an agreement to say that if he misses 3 payments in a row, his boss and any money paid remains the property of his boss. Doubt this makes a difference. It just maddens me that we tried to pay twice but they are denying all knowledge just so they can charge more.
  16. Hi all I would really appreciate some urgent advice. We received a letter from Equita saying we owed £92 for an outstanding parking ticket. We called the number to pay but got put on an automated system and directed to the bailiffs voicemail. We left all our details but heard nothing. About a week later we got another letter saying that they would remove our car if we didnt pay but this letter did not show an amount. We called again to pay, got put on same automated system and again ended up directed to bailiffs voicemail where we left details again. This was the 2nd time we had tried to pay. Couple of days later, bailiff turned up saying we now owed £342. I said we had tried to pay twice when it was only £92 but he said he had no messages from us on his voicemail even thoghh we can prove we called due to the itemised phone bill. This company purposely give you a mobile number which they dont answer and deny receiving messages so they can inflate their charges. I still have nothing in writing to say I owe £342, I assume they ignore message in the early stages as it isnt worth their while to let you pay £92 as they wont make anything out of it. He is due back tomorrow to take the car. Any advice please?
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