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Everything posted by royalnavy26years

  1. palimino. once again thanks for your quick reply it was very helpfull just have to wait now to hear from the official reciever
  2. debt info. could you possible know if my wifes disability allowance will be used in my bankruptcy the bankruptcy is in my name and they have got all my info om my income but they asked about my wifes disability allowance can you help by letting me know if you know
  3. hi palomino phonerd the council today and asked about the housing benifet and bankruptcy they said i can claim it no pioblem
  4. thanks palomino .i will contact the council in the morning as i dont want to get the benifet and then be told i have to pay it back
  5. many thanks for your answer. i get carers allowance the other income i royal navy pension and hospital nhs pension i know the pensions are included in my income but im not sure if they will use the housing benifet if i get it
  6. hi iwent bankrupt in jan this year have a coop cashminder account which they let me keep open it was not frozen and they are very helpfull
  7. i went bankrupt on the 8th of jan i have a coop cashminder account phoned them up told them i was going bankrupt they said no problem you r bank will not be frozen the official reciever said they would have no claim on my account
  8. i declared bankruptcy on january 8th i have put in for housing benifet and council tax benifet if i am awarded it will it have to go towards my income in a bankruptcy or even can the council turn me down because iam a bankrupt
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