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Everything posted by Pebbles10

  1. Hello, Yes I've received the court papers from Northampton, i did the acknowledgment of service and put in an embarrased defence that I borrowed from someones thread. But I got a letter saying theyre going to carry on the claim and have it transferred to a local court. Also said they will ask for forthwith judgement. So you don't think its a possibility of having a voluntary charge in favour of my daughter? Thanks again.
  2. Hello and thanks, I haven't had the cca looked at, but from what I've read on some threads the RBS cca probably isn't enforcable, it says on it that its an application form and there aren't any terms for credit limit, repayments, or interest rate. Its not a very good copy, in the blurry small print it say t&c overleaf but there isn't an overleaf. The debt collector says its all they need and have started proceedings. Thank you again.
  3. Hello again and thanks, The computer keeps crashing so fingers crossed this time. The 2 credit card debts are RBS and Egg. The CCJ & charging order are not connected to them. The RBS card is the one which is going to court at the moment, I did the CCA letter quite a while back and got an application form, no terms but the form allowed you to choose to transfer balances to it, does that make sense? So it shows 2 amounts for balance transfers. The egg card is quite an old one from 2000, I did the CCA letter and got an agreement that is the same as all of them from that time. I've read that very long thread about egg agreements but it has left me a bit muddled, but for now at least their is no court claim on it. I think there will be soon as the debt collectors are being very aggresive about it, but at the moment I'm managing to hold them at arms length. There is equity in the house even with the remaining mortgage and charging order, we've lived here for 18 years and the mortgage is not in arrears. I don't think I explained myself very well about the voluntary charge. I don't want to offer one to the debt collectors. I want to know if I can have one made in favour of my daughter, to at least secure for her what she has paid out on the house. The deeds and the mortgage are in my name only. I'm hoping to reduce the amount owed on the ccj/charging order as I know that the PPI was missold. I've done a SAR but am still waiting for all the paperwork to come, they just sent a copy agreement and statements, so I asked for the rest as there must be more as it went to court, but thats work in progress. I hope I've been a bit clearer this time. Thank you for your time.
  4. Hello, I only registered the other day and this is my first post so do excuse me if I've put it in the wrong place. I was wondering if anyone might be able to offer me some advice over a matter thats causing me a lot of worry and sleepless nights. I have 2 credit card debts, both are with debt collectors due to me not having worked for 5 years because of ill health. I'm paying one with a small token payment but the debt collector is getting really nasty all the same. The other one I'm not paying as they haven't sent me a proper credit agreement but they are taking me to court. I've managed to respond to it so far from information I've gleaned by lurking on threads with similar situations. I'm sorry about the lurking before I registered. My worry is that if they get a CCJ they will get a charging order. I have a strong feeling that the other debt collector will do the same in the near future. Since me not being at work my daughter has been paying the shortfall on the mortgage payment. DWP pay so much of the interest, my daughter pays the rest. She has also paid for quite a lot of improvements to the house. I already have a ccj and charging order maybe I wouldn't if I knew about CAG back then but I went to CAB who just told me to admit the debt to save myself the stress. Sorry if I'm rambling. What I'm hoping to find out is if there is anyway I can safeguard the equity in the house for my daughter as she has paid so much money into it. I have heard of a voluntary charge but I can't find anything about how it works. If anyone can tell me about voluntary charges, or anything else I could do to stop the debt collectors getting their claws into the house I'd be so grateful. Thank you for taking time to read this.
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