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Everything posted by atomicKitten

  1. Anyone got any ideas how this affects my case? I rented a room recently but because I felt I had been misled about the accommodation (the Landlord was spending around 10 hours a day at the property) I got the Landlord to release me from the contract, which she agreed in writing. After three months she still had not returned my deposit, I had agree she could keep my first months rent although I had only been resident for a week. I proceeded with a class 8 claim and the Landlord did return my deposit after receiving my Summons. Had a hearing and the Judge said she was going to deal with it as a part 7 because the matter was in dispute and gave the defendant 2 weeks to submit a defense. Don't know if it's relevant but the Landlord did receive my deposit over 14 days before releasing me from the contract and at no point did she protect the deposit. At the moment I would be glad to just get my court costs back £150 Anyone got any views?
  2. to cut a long story short, rented a room in a house, Landlady told me it was a houshare but when I moved in I found out that she was spending over 9 hours a day at the property although she did not live there. I told her this was unnaceptable and 7 days after the contract began she agreed to sign a document releasing me from the contract. We had a verbal agreement that she could keep the first months rent but would return my deposit. After 3 months deposit was still not returned so I initiated court proceedings using a part 8 claim for the fact she hadn't used a TDS. Had the first court hearing this week and the judge said that she was going to deal with the case as a part 7 because the Landlord wanted to defend the case and the contract had been voided. The Judge also said that I hadn't submitted any evidence I had only filled in forms. Would be grateful for any thoughts on this and suggestions as to what evidence I could supply. I thought the onus was on the Landlord to show they had used a TDS. Final point, although I was only resident at the property for 7 days the Landlord received my deposit over 14 days before the contract began.
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