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Posts posted by kfdh1962

  1. everything completed now and ready to go , thanks for all the work by FTMdave  which took care of most of it


    Just wanted to check where i send this . I noticed the fleecers sent the application to CCBC, defence witness statement sent to Birmingham county court. Am i right in assuming Birmingham , which is where the warrant was sent for execution. ?

  2. to Fruitsalad's point i have read them all again and i agree with the comments,


    So ,  to clarify the the application notice , witness statement and defence are all referencing  claim number ending 28V which is the claim they failed to respond to in time and for which a warrant has now been issued, this is the claim  being for the non compliance to the SAR,.


    The other claim is mentioned in these documents only in respect to them being confused by the presence of a second claim. This other claim , ending 20W had an acknowledgement of service and directions questionnaire which contained  a short defence previously shared 

  3. Arrived home from work late last night to a letter from Gladdies , essentially paperwork submitted to the courts requesting the judgement on the SAR non compliance be set aside and further requesting both claims be struck out, witness statements and defence included in the letters


    They would like the courts to believe they missed the deadlines as they became confused as i issued two claims against them just a few days apart. They would also seem to want to argue that they don't need to respond to the SAR as they have a data sharing agreement with DVLA and we should know that , ignoring the fact that we requested all data held on file and not just data not just that from DVLA 


    i note that the witness statement of MR chana is headed as being filed for the claimant , should that not have been for the defendant ?


    copies of the application Ws and defence and draft order  from gladdies attached for you perusal


    current status on MCOL is as follows , although this we know may be subject to change 


    SAR claims

    judgement issued 5/4/2023 @19:07:27

    warrant request 19/04/23 : 15:58:06

    warrant issued 20/04/2023 19:09:17 databreach claim 

    Bar put in place for EPS  12/04/23

    EPS defence filed 12/04/23

    DQ sent to EPS 12/04/23


    status defence filed



    i sent my DQ off a few days ago , deadline was May 2nd , so what are the next steps considering this application from gladdies



  4. copy of directions questionnaire received from fleecers solicitors , interestingly in respect to the question as to suitability for determination without a hearing , the answer was no , reason given as follows :- 


    "The claim is flawed; the Claimant has issued 2 sets of proceedings against the same Defendant within days of each other and which related to claims for distress arising out of allegations/issues under the Data Protection Act. The Claimant has acted unreasonably which is deemed to be an abuse of the Court process."



  5. checking on MCOL yesterday to see if the fleecers had submitted a defence and noticed the status now had defence submitted , same date as issue of DQ.

    Checked my DQ questionnaire and there was a copy of the defence stapled to the back of the mediation notes which i hadn't spotted  as i stopped reading once i reached the mediation notes having seen those previous, no harm done though. Copy attached.


    It would seem to me that their defence  actually supports the very point of our claim,  stating they ceased the court action as "i had only stayed 1 minute" (actually it was 29 seconds so they don't even have that correct).  At best they are admitting to not applying due diligence before accessing my data , although in reality we know this would have been a vexatious claim hoping like many do that i would just pay up under pressure of their threats 


    In commenting on signage , they have also chosen to ignore the issue of no compliant signage , no signage at entrance visible from direction of travel etc etc , they cant even get the length of stay correct !


    will be completing DQ  today and posting that off over the weekend , any point to note on DQ completion ? i  will be saying no to mediation 


    defence filed.pdf

  6. Agreed FTMD, i always thought they needed to defend (or at least look like they are intending to defend in the hope of scaring us off ) and was surprised when it appeared they were not responding ,  but as we now know that was probably due to the long weekend and delays in system updates 


     over the weekend i received a number of letters from the HMCTs , including

    the judgement request rejection ,

    acknowledgement of service (copies attached)

    and directions questionnaire .

    The DQ needs to be submitted by May 2nd


    on the SAR non compliance claim , two weeks have passed since the judgement was issued (copy attached)

     not had any communication from the fleecers in respect to payment  , and still have not supplied anything on that SAR request and so are still in breach of that SAR request 



    2023-04-11 judgement reject+Gladstones AOS filing.pdf 2023-03-15 Claim Issued+2023-04-05 notice of applied judgement (1).pdf

  7. 2 minutes ago, Andyorch said:


    It depends on whether the 33 days had expired from date of issue the time allowed to to submit a AOS/defence. Once a defendant submits an acknowledgment you cant request judgment until the expiry of day 33. 


    MCOL system  allowed me to request the judgement on the 6th which i did around 6am  , the system doesn't allow you to request judgement when  enough days have not expired and tells you so , so therefor enough days must have passed as i was allowed to make the request and that status was added to claim history


    Gladys e mailed notification of acting was sent around 4pm on the 6th , i will post that document up just for reference and info 


    i had limited internet access for a few days ., i saw On Tuesday there was an update on the system that noted judgement requested , and a further note stating request denied presumably as they had received something from Gladdy's, those comments are now longer on the claim history , just the details i posted earlier 




  8. hi all , have been away for a few days hence not been on line , i did check updates on MCOl 2 days ago , and again this morning, and i noted some changes on their this morning ref the second claim 


    On the SAR claim issued  15/03/23 it states that judgement was issued against the defendant on April 5th 2023 , i also received in the paper copy yesterday by post 


    On the second claim , issued 17/03/23, for which their solicitors had e mailed with a copy of the notice of acting, the MCOL now states the following  :-

    A bar was put in place for Euro Parking Services Ltd on 12/04/2023

    Euro Parking Services Ltd filed a defence on 12/04/2023

    DQ sent to Euro Parking Services Ltd on 12/04/2023


    is DQ as disqualification or something else?

  9. this afternoon i received an e mail from gladstones , an e mail containing a notice of acting , dated today 6th April 2023 and stating copy filed with court 


    This notice is connected to the claim for accessing my data without reasonable cause. This would seem to be a day late as i was able to request a judgement , just wondering how  a judge may view this


    There are no e mails  or notices for the SAR claim

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