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Everything posted by donnygreenjeans

  1. I understand where you are coming from, i was saving up to hopefully buy a house, that's why i have got £11,000 in savings, as well as working my usual hours i also worked overtime, but i guess i will have to put buying a house on hold, i was always taught at an early age that "if you can't afford it don't buy it".
  2. Dont judge me because i have got savings, it's not my fault that for the last 19 years i've been working and have paid taxes, ata young age i was educated to save money and not to waste it, how do you know that these people who are in hardship have squandered their money through their own fault?
  3. Ok, i can see where they are coming from but it seems a bit unfair that people (like myself) who save money and don't waste it and get in debt get penalized? So i am right in saying that i will have to spend some of my savings until the sanctioned ends?
  4. A sanction for misconduct can last up to 26 weeks. The jobcentre will not be the people who decide on whether a sanction will be applied, they just gather information in relation to some JSA claims. The decision in regard to a sanction is made by the benefit delivery centre. I've read somewhere that i can apply for hardship payment? So am i right in saying that my £11,000 savings wont affect me? (sorry for sounding dumb) By the way i don't suppose you know (roughly) how long the decision will take to be decided by the benefit delivery centre regarding my sanction?
  5. Well here's the confusing bit ( i think), i have a meeting tomorrow at the job centre to see if i can get JSA as i was sacked for gross misconduct and i believe i will or might be sanctioned, i have worked for the last 11 years!
  6. What is the amount you are allowed to have in savings and still be able to claim JSA? I have got an interview tomorrow at the job centre and i lost my job because of gross misconduct so i have to tell them why i lost my last job so i am 100% sure i will get sanctioned but i don't know for how many weeks. I have got £11,000 in savings but £3000 belongs to my parents! and the £11,000 is in 3 accounts all at the same building society, Will that amount affect me?
  7. There is nothing going on that's the truth, to be honest when my friend mentioned about this so called story i thought what's he talking about as i've signed a legal tenancy agreement and i've also signed a rent book every week.
  8. today one of my friends who sorted out our Tenancy agreement documentation has told me to say that i have fallen out with my parents and i have only just moved in with my friend because there is a chance i wont be able to get any benefit/money to help me pay my rent as he said that they might turn round and say that because i have lived there for the last 3 years then my friend can afford for me to stay? Is he right?
  9. Hope this post is in the right section? To cut a long story short i got dismissed from my job yesterday for gross misconduct i've read that it will be possible that i wont get any JSA for about 26 weeks, at the moment i am tenant living with now my ex work colleague and have done so for the past 3 years, i/we have signed a legal tenant agreement document, i pay him £80 every week, we also keep a weekly record of the amount i pay each week, can myself or my friend claim anything towards what i pay?
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