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Everything posted by Dean87

  1. Thanks, but I meant more about the underwriting insurer and the FSA....who exactly are they?
  2. Thanks for this advice. How would I go about doing this. I have requested a full engineers report, but they have told me that they are not willing to release the information as I "have all the information that is required"
  3. I asked about that, but they're not even willing to offer a payable repair option. They're just flat-out refusing to do anything at all.
  4. I see. I know that "technically" it's my fault since I fell over, but it's not like I dropped it down the toilet or anything. Surely the phone should withstand a fall from hip-height? My iPod did. I just don't see how they come to the water damage conclusion, and the fact that their system said I "told them" it fell into a puddle when it "fell out of my pocket" when I said no such thing.
  5. Hey folks, I have recently joined the forums and this being my first post. I hope I can get some help with my problem. I entered into a monthly mobile phone contract in November 2009 with Orange via the Carphone Warehouse, and was given a Nokia 6700 Classic for free to go with it. When we had the bad snow and ice 3 weeks ago I fell over on my back and side, and landed where my pocket was which contained my phone and my iPod. Now, my iPod is absolutely fine, not a scratch on it. My phone however, refused to work. I took it back to the Carphone Warehouse (CW from herein) and because I'd had the phone longer than 28 days, they said they were going to send the phone away for repair. Today (20th January 2010) I rang CW to find out the status of the repair. The lady I spoke to said that it was showing on her computer that the repair was completed. I then asked when I could expect to receive my phone back, and she said within the next week. I then asked what repair work took place. She then said to me that the phone was now NOT repaired, but infact had suffered "water damage" and thus could not be reapired at all. Then I asked "So, am I getting a replacement" and she said "No" When I asked why, she said that because the phone had received "Water damage" it meant that this was not covered under the manufacturer's warranty, and that they would not be repairing my phone at all, replacing it, or even offering me any other options. Not only that, but they also want the loan phone they gave me back aswell. I asked "How can the phone be watered damaged, I only slipped and fell in the snow, and my iPod was in the same pocket and is fine". She replied with "Oh well according to my system, it says that the phone fell out of your pocket into the water when you fell on the snow" thus them telling me that they have no responsibility. My argument is that it isn't my fault either. Why now because of bad weather, am I not only without any sort of phone at all, but am still expected to pay my monthly contract!? And why put that on their system when that's not even what I said!? Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks.
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