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Posts posted by Life-Goes-On

  1. A story about my ESA

    Been on ESA for about 8 years after every "assessment" I’ve been placed in WRAG.

    TBH that was never a problem for me as I only had a phone call every 6 months or so from Job Centre.

    That changed about 14 months ago as I was transferred to one of the providers and had to start going to meetings.

    The first woman I saw was great and advised to request to put in the support group, so I did.

    It took 8 months for a "assessment" (in the meantime I was passed to many different providers)

    This "assessment" was a complete joke the report was filled with lies and half-truths.

    I got zero points from her, but the decision maker did put me back into WRAG.


    I appealed that decision on the grounds of not being able to “mobilise more than 50 metres on level ground without stopping in order to avoid significant discomfort or exhaustion & also repeatedly mobilise 50 metres within a reasonable timescale because of discomfort or exhaustion.


    I supplied evidence from when I applied for a Blue Badge, and also when I was awarded PIP at high rate mobility and had another supporting letter. All the DWP had was at my "assessment” I was seen walking slowly for 7 metres” I have to admit I go into detail about how someone can assess me being able to walk over 50 metres, when I was only seen walking such a short distance.


    I did expect the mandatory reconsideration to reverse that decision (foolish I know) but they upheld the decision, saying being in pain wasn’t a reason


    Anyway I asked for a tribunal and basically said the DM had erred in law as being in the pain was a reason and it is clearly stated.


    I had my hearing on the 13th Dec that lasted about 45mins. I was asked to go into lots of details about my life. I expect this was to see if my answers were consistent. It did fill like a grilling but I was glad it was detailed as I knew my answers would support my case. At the end they said they would call me back in to explain their decision.

    I knew being called back in can be good omen as the person before me wasn’t , but was worried about the “explain their decision”.

    While waiting it was the first time I thought I might lose even though all the evidence is on my side. I needn’t have worried my appeal was allowed and basically explained that my oral evidence was relied upon.


    So that my ESA story, now to the question I have

    The tribunal recommends I am not reassessed for at least 24 months, and want to know if the DWP pays attention to this?


    P.S. I just had a letter from the Job Centre for an appointment in Jan, guess who won’t be going :-D

  2. I had a compliance officer visit as I had too must savings about 10K for a 6 month period. I played ball with them and supplied everything they wanted (EG bank statements) I was expecting an overpayment but not had contact from them since supplying the info, and that was over 2 1/2 years ago. So from personal experience let them have bank statements (if they want them that can get them anyway)

  3. A bit of a follow-up question.


    I understand someone that is on Contributory based ESA that is put in the support group will stay on it even after a year.

    But that person would like to have BT Basic and other bits you can get being on income based ESA.

    So if a person gets the income based top-up, can that person get BT basic and others bits based on income.

  4. Hi, I know if you get DLA (MRC) and are on income based ESA you get the severe disability premium.


    But if a person is on Contributory based ESA and gets PIP Daily living component (Standard) will they get the severe disability premium?

    The person lives alone and no one claims any carers allowance or any other benefits.

    Thanks in advance

    EDIT to add more info

  5. Hi


    I have been in the WRAG group for 2 years next medical March.

    Today I received not the normal form ESA50 but one titled (Limited Capability for Work).

    My health has not improved in fact I am being looked at for a heart condition along with about 4 other ailments.


    Does this form mean they are going to place me back on JSA allowance.



    Is there a code number on form?


    the title relates to a ESA50 so it's confusing.

  6. Stacey,

    I logged on to ask the same question as you (glad I had a quick look at though posts :))

    I been waiting 6 months since the forms when in.

    My thoughts are the longer then better, saves having to jump though hoops every year to 18 months.

  7. Today I got my DLA form as my current claim ends at the beginning of Dec.


    I currently get MRC & LRM and am happy with that.


    If I sent my forms in straight away and get reassessed to I risk losing my current claim sooner?

    EG When reassessed I only get LRC & LRM it will start straight away, or when the current claim ends?


    Also any clues on the turn-a-round times for DLA renewal?

  8. My husband's dla renewal, last year, came about 6 months before the end date, if that helps.


    Thanks, sounds like I should get the forms in Sept at the latest, unless they delay forcing me onto PIP.

  9. Just dug out my last DLA forms, got them over 3 months before it run out, so hopefully will be the same again.


    Would like to hear from anyone that has recently had DLA renewal form to see if it's still the same time-frame

  10. It's all a lottery.


    First time I was rejected for DLA (after the joke "medical") so appealed end up with low rate C & M

    When renewal time came I filled the form with the same info as first time expecting to have to appeal again.

    This time it was low rate Mobility Mid rate care without a medical.


    So totally clueless how the next one will go.

  11. PIP is the reason I asked.


    From the 7th Oct I will have to apply for PIP, but if I get a renawal letter before that it will be DLA.

    My award ends on 6th Dec, so hoping I get the renewal before Oct

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