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Everything posted by thesleeze

  1. I had a crash on my motorcycle in Bangkok. I was out for the count with a bump on the head, not a life threatening situation, but a knock out blow for a week or so. The next two days i was in a very nice hospital, and very expensive. The ambulance drivers are freelance, so they take you to whatever hospital they think will suit. And being a european, you are automatically presumed rich. I can only assume that the nurses or staff must have taken my wallet, and used my debit card as payment. No problem with that I'm sure. I can only guess that they dressed my wound, (no stiches needed thankfully, just a band aid) and some TLC. Two nights in a bed, the bill was £1300. After my card wouldn't give them any more money, I vaguely remember them getting me a taxi to my apartment. I spent a couple more days sleeping off the confusion and grogginess, and thats when the trouble started. I coudn't get my hands on any cash. I had some friends locally so I wasn't down and out. I had to move my return flight forward and return to England. My bank is Barclays. My overdraft was £1000. Before my accicdent i was £300 in credit. So in two days the hospital had drawn out the lot. I didn't ask for them to do that, I didn't WANT them to do that. There would be nothing with my signature authorising this. I had no travel insurance (bad choice, I hold my hands up to that one). But I still had £0.00. Even insurance wouldn't have stopped that. On return to England Barclays wanted the money back. Phone calls, letters, more phone calls. Annoying to say the least. But I don't have the money to pay them back. So to sum up, I don't want to pay them back as they were so free and easy in handing out my £300 and thier £1000. I fully expect fireworks and knocks on the door but what can i do. Any advice?
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