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Everything posted by RwArms78

  1. ok forms were lodged today, i also found out that the county court had moved 5 years ago and the address on the demand was the crown court. i went along to the correct court and lodged the documents, i also added to the affidavit stating i would ask the court to consider abuse of process
  2. so if i take the forms to court will they say that i am out of time and charge me £30 ? surely if the demand was dated 24th December they should have served it earlier ?
  3. i cant recall if it was on there, i cancelled during the free trial , i should have taken more notice
  4. thanks i have downloaded the forms. should i write to them first and ask for a copy of the original agreement ?? or do i just complete the forms and state i believe the debt to be statute barred ? with the affidavit, do i need to attend a solicitors to complete that ? just out of curiosity , did he serve the document correctly by leaving on my doorstep outside my door ? thanks again Rob
  5. credit file showed the default in 1998. i will try to find a friend with a scanner but it may take me a while.
  6. Hi All, I am looking for some help. In Apr 1998 I defaulted on a Hailifax Current Account owing approx £2000. I believe I may have got a CCJ for this, I cant recall if the CCJ was for the account or a personal loan. I moved house many times and lost touch with the creditor Approx 6 Months ago I registered on Creditexpert.co.uk in order to view my credit file. Shortly after I started recieving letters from Capquest about this debt. I have a mortgage with my wife for a new build house, its an interest only mortgage. Me & My wife were both redundant from Barclays in september Today as my parents were coming into our house a gentleman asked for me and tried to hand me a letter, I refused this letter and did not tell him my name. I closed the door and he drove away leaving the letter on my doorstep ( even though door was closed ) this letter is a Statutory Demand under section 268(1) of the insolvency act 1986. The letter gives the amount in excess of £3000 including interest accrued, it says the debt is unsecured. the demand was dated 24th December. The debt was assigned to capquest Apr 2006 I really dont understand the rest of this letter, It does not give you anything in plain english so i would ask for some help. can anyone tell me what i should do ? what is the consequences of this letter ? was he right to leave it outside on my doorstep ? any help would be greatly appreciated
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