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  1. I've been paying them for the last 12 months without any problems till this latest letter and they are only getting the barest minimum!
  2. My original debt was with Morgan Stanley I had an arrangement with them and they so nicely passed it on to 1st credit!
  3. Had a nice letter from 1st credit today saying they understand that my circumstances had changed, phoned them and asked what they knew that I didn't! Turns out they were referring to the fact that I had cleared my overdraft on an old account that I couldn't close because i couldn't pay it off. I explained that my brother had paid it because of the extortionate charges Halifax were going to enforce which would have just accrued more debt and that I would be paying him back when I could. She then launched into what you have done is illegal you should have divided those funds between your creditors we will pass this to our solicitors! Funny a couple of months ago I was a valued customer! She kept telling me 'we know you are a homeowner' at least they didn't threaten the bailiffs as they did 12 months ago! I informed her i would be contacting Payplan and Citizens Advice and put the phone down. A quick call to Payplan confirmed I had not done anything illegal as she suggested but had I not had that to turn to it probably would have freaked me out. I wonder where 1st credit recruit the people who work for them because the majority that I have dealt with are not very nice makes you wonder how they sleep at night!
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