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  1. Andy what is your problem? I came on here to try and spread a service which saved my sanity, and I am getting attacked left right and centre, if you want to find out more or just want to spend your pathetic life being misrerable then email [EDIT] If you have issues, take it up with them not me.
  2. 100% money back guarantee, but the cases never fail.
  3. JDES26 The bottom line is that there is nothing to lose, there will be a lot of cynical people. The best thing to do is to email Jack, he was the Consultant who helpled me. (edit)
  4. When the world is in such misery, everything sounds too good to be true. I paid 10.00 on each card and the creditors excepted the payment. I have have had no comebacks from this. If you want to know more I can give you their details. These guys are qualified experts that have spent 2 years studying the law.
  5. They charge £1000 for there fees with 100% money back guarantee, but the most impressive aspect about it is, that I was advised to put it on my card since it would be cleared, so effectively I paid nothing. They have a 97% success rate on all there cases they have worked on.
  6. Guys, I don’t know how much of what I am about to write will be of relevance to you, but I was in over £70,000 of debt on my credit cards and my marriage broke down because of my Financial Failure. Shortly after, and I wish this happened sooner, I came across a group of legal advisors that consist mainly of Solicitors and they explained a debt loophole that would enable me to cancel off my Credit Cards within 14 days for as little as £10.00 on each card without having to go through any long term debt management. To be honest, I did not have much to lose as I had already lost everything so I decided to give them a try, and even though they said to me it would take 14 days, within 7 days I was completely debt free and the Credit departments accepted my payments. Just what the methods they took I do not know, but these guys are starting to build a fantastic reputation through their Legal work and have eased not just mine, but a lot of my family and friends problems. I really feel people need to know about this, because this Legal practice is saving a lot of stress and illness.
  7. I think this may be of interest to you. I was in over £70,000 of debt on my credit cards and my marriage broke down because of my Financial Failure. Shortly after, and I wish this happened sooner, I came across a group of legal advisors that consist mainly of Solicitors and they explained a debt loophole that would enable me to cancel off my Credit Cards within 14 days for as little as £10.00 on each card without having to go through any long term debt management. To be honest, I did not have much to lose as I had already lost everything so I decided to give them a try, and even though they said to me it would take 14 days, within 7 days I was completely debt free and the Credit departments accepted my payments. Just what the methods they took I do not know, but these guys are starting to build a fantastic reputation through their Legal work and have eased not just mine, but a lot of my family and friends problems. I really feel people need to know about this, because this Legal practice is saving a lot of stress and illness.
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