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Everything posted by kaalmac

  1. Special delivery next day before 1pm, addressed to the Court not the court clerk
  2. I already sent that letter some days ago and to the court as well but they seemed to ignore it
  3. Ida, Thank you so much for this. I will send this off tomorrow. The hearing for setaside which I can not attend, distance and cost etc is at Barnsley County Court on Feb 16th. so I do not have much time. I take it I should send a copy fo this to the court as evidence along with my statement of truth. Thanks Kaalmac
  4. ah I see, so infact they can. It`s a done deal then. I will have a completely unlawfull CCJ from an ex employer who simply has the money to do it:(, It is a true miscarriage of Justice
  5. I just would not know where to start:( Is there some one on here who can point it out if it is true or catagorically state if they are just "at it" Thank you
  6. Thank you for that link, but i`m afraid it`s mind numbing as I don`t know what i`m looking at it`s to much legalese in one go lol
  7. Hi again, I phoned the other sides Solicitors "Credit Style Ltd " and asked them if they would agree to set aside. The woman said no and quoted me that they DO have jurisdiction and quoted me the "Civil Juristdiction Act 1982" Are they right? Thanks again
  8. Thank you everyone, I`ll do the next step and let you know the out come. Kaalmac
  9. Hi there, I went to see a solicitor who looked glazed over and said that I would have to get an english solicitor as he didn`t even understand how they could do this. The court infact issued the CCJ against me. I have sent a fee of £75 to apply for set aside and to bring it to a sherriff court up here ,now they have told me that I will have to go to England to another hearing to have it set aside. I am now completely confused as no one sees to be able to help and I can not defend my self:(. Am I the only person in Britain that this can happen to?
  10. Thank you everyone for your advice so far. I am going to make a decision today as to what to do. Please can I ask what is "SOLS" ? Is the basic letter i send, the one that MAROONDEVO52 mentions? If it is it it simply a matter of sending it to the county court? Finally, do I sign it? Thank you KAALMAC
  11. Thank you for your comments so far. Is there a standard template letter regarding me living in Scotland that I can send to have the CCJ removed? Best regards KAALMAC
  12. I hope some one can give me some advice. This has become VERY complicated due to a company I used to work for becomming vexatious. I will try and keep it as clear as possible. I live in Scotland. Around 2003 I was working for a tool distribution company ( HQ is in England ). They brought in a scheme where every employee could buy a PC through a Tax Break Programme. I Signed up for one costing £1499. The document I signed was headed "Tax Break Programme Contract Agreement ( Agreement) ". For information , I signed it but no one else did and there is no APR mentioned. I bought into this plan as I was very happy in my employment and had no intention of leaving the Company in the near future. Moving on..... July 2005. I inherited a Manager who was a bully. A situation arose where i was "Forced" to resign. During the process of going to Employment Tribunal the " Management " closed ranks and tried to play dirty tricks. I owed around £600 left on the PC. I wanted to continue to pay my monthly payment but was not allowed. Eventually after about a year It came to tribunal. Everything was taken into consideration and I won my Tribunal. I was awarded £7000. It cost me £20000 to run the Tribunal so it actually cost me £12,000 in the end to get Justice as you don`t get "costs" back in Scotland!!. The Manager remained in his job and they lost nothing!!. They refused to pay what the court ordered them to pay and about 18 months later and more expense to me I had to pursue the amount in and Englsh court representing my self this time as I could not afford another Solicitor. When I appeared at the Court in England, the " Company" put in a counter claim stating that they over payed my salary. In other words they could not explain the PC situation as it was all part of the Tribunal calculation. When The Judge found out that this had already been ruled by a court in Scotland , she was FURIOUS! and "threw " the Company`s counter claim out immediately and ORDERING them to pay me within 10 days. I then recieved full payment. For the last few years they have been sending threats of debt collectors through different solicitors every few months to get Money back from me. They claim it is Debt I owe them. I contact each Solicitor and explain what they are doing and then send copys of the tribunal judgement and the county court judgement and then the solicitors drop them. Every few months they use a new solicitor and I have to do it all over again. This time though I have had a CCJ sent to me ordering me to pay £2500 from a court in England. I had no warning of this and by the time I have the letter it is too late. It seems like big multimillion pound companies can just squash the small fish when they feel like it as I do not have the financial resource to cope with this. 2 questions I guess. 1. Can they put a CCJ on My credit file and enforce from England even though it was them who dismissed me unfairly. 2. would this fall under the CCA in the sense that it does not look like I signed anything like a proper Credit agreement. ( Bearing in mind It was not me who left the Company, I was unfairly dismissed ). I apologise for this being so long winded and I hope some one can help me. Best regards and Happy New Year KAALMAC
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