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  1. Wow - thanks for such a quick response. Yes, the company definitely owns the vehicle outright. As soon as I'm back at work I'll let them know to expect letters, that Im in dispute with the company in question and to pass all correspondence straight to me. Will also be making a donation to say thanks - without this forum I (and no doubt many others) would have simply paid up.
  2. Hi - Im new to the site and would appreciate a bit of advice as Ive just been ticketed by these guys for the outrageous sum of £80 ... only the car in question was my company car which I was not the driver of at the time All advice seems to be "just ignore" but unless I contact them then all letters threats etc will be sent to my employer. What would you advise? I know the people in accounts very well and am unlikely to get into any trouble over threatening letters turning up so not too worried on that score - they'll just pass the letters straight to me unanswered. I also know that under Data Protection legislation my employer cant pass over my details - but its possible they may inadvertently give out my name and / or transfer any calls etc. How do you recommend I proceed? Write giving them my home address or wait for the letters to arrive at work? All advice gratefully received
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