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Everything posted by musicdan

  1. hi we got a letter THE DAY AFTER BOXING BAY (NICE) saying that we have a bill unpayed from some time ago it said that thay will call in 48hrs to remove goods we have never had problems with them before nor have they been in our home thing is we get student loans on the 4th of jan and will be able to pay it of in full iv also to small children (toddlers) who id hate to see these people knocking on the door .but every time i phone them rundel and co .it go"s straight to awnser phone so i cant get hold of anyone to talk to what can i do???
  2. hi im sort of joining the tail of this as im have the other side haveing recived a letter THE DAY AFTER BOXING DAY!! saying that in 48hrs rundle and co will be coming to remove goods for a council tax bill from years ago now its not that i cant pay it as i get my student loan on the 4th of jan iv two toddlers at home so i just want to get this sorted out to save stress to them BUT THEY WONT ANSWER THE PHONE I HAVE PHONED THE COMPANY AND THE AGENT the company puts me throw to the agent and the agent will not answer the phone as iv only got 48 hrs this is worrying me are thay doing this on perpuss.. can anyone guide me in what i should do?
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