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  1. god i am so confused. Ok the case went to Northampton county court , i am sure, it was ordered that we pay £40.00 a month, maybe less, i can not be 100% as it was so long ago i just remeber being so annoyed at the time due to loss of work which is why it got to court in the first place, i have paid every single month by standing order since this time all of them years ago it must be 7 at least i moved house 6 years ago and it was before then it could be coming on 8 years. The actual loan was for £10,000.00 but i had been paying the bank each month the regular payment, due to loss of work they would not accept a payment each month that i was offering which is why it went to court, i remember signing for the paperwork at my front door recorded delivery and receiving the paperwork from the court, i remember also calling the company i had to at the time but i am sure that before they were not this company i am sure they were maybe legal and trade or something else but not always IQOR, and since that day i have paid them ,i could not even tell you the amount that was on the court paperwork to be honest this was the first time anything like this had ever happened and was quite worrying so i just kept paying and still am. Like i mentioned already when you do try and talk to this company they are so rude and nasty that you feel intimidated when you call, i felt like a naughty child honestly was aweful. So after all this time can i get a copy any where of the paperwork from the court u and statements of what i have paid , obviously i have my bank statements ,but to see the others would be good, citizen b the only thing i have to refer to is the court reference number which is something that i did write down and keep. Palomino i paid each month what the court asked me to do in instalments until i was asked by the company to increase over a period of time so i have nothing on paper. Bazooka boo, would i not be causing more trouble for myself if i changed my standing order amount to lower? only when i called these people they told me i can not do anything at all and can not just change things to suit myself and had to carry on the way that i had been! Would the ccj amount though not be what the company are telling me is still outstanding i did not think that they could acutally change this amount
  2. Hi sorry not alot of the terminology is anything that i understand to well. I do not even still have the paperwork from the court it was around 7 years ago, i have just been paying this money each month from my bank account since that time and uping the payment every so often when they bug me. Which is why the payment that i now make is 60 a month, i know that the 6 years of the ccj were up as i checked my credit report and also spoke to the credit reference agency about this they told me that around September time this would just automatically be removed. I get a letter sent every 6 months that says we are unable to keep accepting this amount of payment and to call them to pay more basically and that letter also shows me my outstanding balance. So i have paid them over 4000 so far off the debt (loan). But i have not really got any statement of account, maybe i should write to them and ask for this. Sorry to be vague but what does it mean that i may have already satisfied the ccj, please
  3. thank you for your help very much appreciated
  4. i am paying more because every 6 months they write to me and say they can no longer accept the amount we are paying and keep bothering us to pay more, i do pay by standing order not by direct debit
  5. i am actully paying more now then the court ordered 5 years ago we pay 60.00 amonth but will more thenlikley continue seeing as the hassle it seems to be nightmare a
  6. Sorry i did not make my self clear, i am not wanting to stop paying but wanted to reduce the payment slightly but the lady was so rude to me on the phone everything was like, well actually you will do this that and the other in the end i just hung up the phone i wish i had not called, just felt that they could have been more helpful, i have no intention of not paying but thought it may trigger a reaction was all just though financially reducing the payment by 20 a month may help us, but they want more
  7. HEllo i wonder if anyone can help me. Around 7 years ago i got a loan from Royal bank of scotland, i fell out of work and could not pay, i was taken to court and had a ccj against me, and i now pay iqor 60.00 a month off the debt, I owe now just over 5000 i pay them by standing order every month for this amount of money the ccj is since long gone off my credit file from September this year and i am wondering shoulod i even still be paying this, i know that i was a idiot to start paying in the first place. I guess if i stop paying now they can take me back to court and i will end up with another ccj
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