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Everything posted by str3ssed

  1. Hi, sorry for starting a thread and disappearing. I wasn't able to get back to my mum's over christmas. I should be heading back in a day or two though, so I'll get the letter then.
  2. Will do Ida. I was planning on moving in with my girlfriend sometime in the spring, but I'm worried about how all this will affect her. She's got mental health problems, although she copes better with them than me usually, but I wouldn't like to think bailiffs could show up at her house and want to take her things. :/
  3. I don't really have a correct address. I guess I'm technically homeless, although I always have a place to stay. My post goes to my mum's, so I guess that's why they think I live there.
  4. Is it the date the loan was taken out, or the date the course commenced? I've read conflicting information regarding this. Arrestments as in arresting wages etc? Could they/would they arrest money from my benefits (my only income) ? I'm barely able to make ends meet as it is, so if they were to arrest any of my money I don't know how I'd cope. And them being more willing to accept payments, wouldn't me agreeing to make payments nullify any statute exempt path I might be able to take? Would offering to pay be acknowledging the fact that I owe the money? I know that sounds like I'm just someone who wants to avoid paying money he owes, but the reality is that I simply can't afford to pay it back. I just want these people off my back, at least for now. If I can get them off my back forever then that's one less thing in the back of my mind for me to worry about constantly, but even if it's just a temporary respite, I'd be happy to accept that. Yes, it looks like I need to sort that out. You say "all the goods in the house". There will be hardly anything there that belongs to me. Junk in the attic if anything. They'd be doing me a favour by clearing it out, albeit at an extortionate rate. Would we literally have to list everything in the house? That'd be quite a list, and if that's the case, I'd be terrified in case I missed something out. Or would it be a case of saying that everything in the house belongs to my mother? I fall to pieces over having to keep appointments, and can barely use public transport or leave the house by myself. If I have to deal with bailiffs/sheriff officers it will definitely affect me in a bad way. Even the prospect of it terrifies me. The reality of it, I hope I don't have to deal with. Will the creditor even negotiate with me? I thought that once the sheriff's officers came into play, that was you. Could I still contact SLC and deal with them, and they'd call off the Sheriff Officers? And could I go through the process I've read about on here, the asking for the CCA and SAR route in case there's something out of order with them? Once again, I appreciate the time everyone's taken to reply here. I'd be lost without this forum.
  5. Cheers hallowitch and maroondevo52. She's not sure at all. I think they left paperwork, I'll find out tomorrow or monday when I go to see her about this. I just thought of something that I should've mentioned before. This is all in Scotland. I know laws differ between here and down south.
  6. I got a phone call from my mother last night, someone (bailiffs?) had been to her house looking for me re: unpaid student loan debt. Apparently they're going back next week. This is from 1998, and it was a local college course that started just before the date on which the way repayments of loans work changed, I think. I haven't acknowledged the debt, ever. The course I got the loan for, I had to drop out of due to my mental health, and it's been a problem ever since. I've been in and out of employment sporadically, but mostly unemployed and on incapacity benefit, which is my current situation. The prospect of dealing with anything like this makes me physically sick, so in the past I've chosen to just ignore it and hope it goes away. Now though, they're starting to hassle my mother at her house (I no longer live there) and I think they've threatened to arrest possessions. It's hard to be sure, because my mother was pretty upset about the whole thing. I'll see her tomorrow or on Monday and hopefully get a clearer picture. My mother says she didn't let them into the house. She told them I don't live there any more. They said they'd come back next week. Now, given that I don't live there and the only possessions of mine that are there will be junk and books in the attic, what next? I'm worried sick about this, and so's my mother. We're both on medication. Myself on antidepressants and medication for gastrointestinal problems that are enflamed by stress and worry, and she's on pills for her heart and high blood pressure. Neither of us are in the best position to be dealing with this, and I feel terrible that I have landed this on her. It's been months, if not more than a year, since the last time I received a letter from SLC asking me to repay the money. As usual, I just binned it. I have never deferred it, just stuck my head in the sand as usual. I've done a lot of reading online since last night and it appears that my loan is from when student loans became statute barred after 6 years. My mental health seriously impairs my memory though, so I'm unsure of dates. Sorry if there's anything I haven't mentioned or details that would help someone advise me better. Of course, if there's anything else you need to know then ask away. I'm sorry the details are a bit fuzzy, but this is as much as I know right now. I'm in a real tizzy with this. My stomach's in a knot and I feel like I'm screwed, out of options. This really feels like the end for me. My life's got a little more on track this year. I have a wonderful girlfriend and she has a fantastic little girl, and we're a family. Now I feel like I'm going to lose everything, and there'll only be one way out. I'm an obstinate bugger though, so even though my mood's so low, I know that if i do anything drastic, I'm letting these scumbags win. I hope it doesn't have to come to that. Sorry for the length of this post, I'm just in a bit of a panic. Hopefully some knowledgeable person on here can tell me what steps to take next. Thanks in advance to whoever helps, and the creators of the site. I was out of hope before I found this place, but seeing the work you guys do has given me a little more hope.
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