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Everything posted by sausagemcreedy

  1. Hello again, thank you for your replies and apologies for the delay in responding - Rebel11 - thank you so much for the link, it's been very helpful! IdaInFife - you have summed up my problem perfectly here - because the survey was completed for the interested party, I do not have access to it. The only information I have is what the estate agent / solicitor has quoted to me over the 'phone. So therefore, while I know that subsidence had been highlighted, I do not have this in writing myself. Surely there must be a way around this? Thanks again.
  2. Hi Guys I'm not sure whether I am posting on the right thread here, or even if there is a thread on this subject, so apologies if I am in the wrong place. I have a property in Scotland which was my family home until following a bereavement I had to move to England. I am staying with my mother until my home sells as I can not afford to run two houses. My property is in a smallish town where everybody knows everybody. I put the house up for sale in March and luckily had three interested parties very quickly. The interest was registered before the property was marketed and before I had the HIPPS survey completed. The estate agent / solicitor knew the property was becoming available and had mentioned it to her friend. As explained, everybody knows everybody and word spread quickly. One of the interested parties offered to pay for their own survey to speed up the process. The estate agent explained that if they purchased the property without it being marketed, I would save money on marketing and survey fees so this seemed like a good idea. When the survey came back, it stated that the property had subsidence. This was a huge shock to me, as obviously this can make the property unmortgagable. Word spread and two of the interested parties pulled out immediately and one offered me £65k less than I was hoping to sell for. I couldn't afford to sell our home for such a loss, so instead I contacted my insurance company. 4 months later I am just coming out the other side of this nightmare. My property is over 100 years old and luckily I had a couple of surveys completed on it throughout the years I have been there to check for movement, etc. These have always reported that the house is as solid as a rock. My insurance company appointed a loss adjuster who sent two surveyors out and both reported that the property absolutely does not have subsidence. In the meantime, I have missed out on three properties here in England. I only have a very small budget and so homes I can afford to buy or rent down here only come up once in a while. I am having to start the selling process over again. Because of the close knit community (which I had always enjoyed being part of), everybody now knows that my property was suspected of having subsidence and nobody will go near it, despite the surveys which say otherwise. So finally to get to the point! Do I have any recourse against the surveyor who claimed my property had subsidence? His professional opinion has caused me untold strain and stress, not only the massive delays while my insurance company investigated, but the properties I have lost out on renting / buying in England. My and my children's belongings are all in Scotland until we can move into our own place as there is no room for them here. My children hardly have any toys, etc. here... not to mention that I will probably have to sell at a loss and lose a lot of money. As a footnote, I know that the surveyor is a personal friend of the couple who requested the survey be completed. However, the new solicitor / estate agent I am using insist that he is very much respected and extremely proffessional. I'm sorry this is such a long post and I don't mean to sound so sorry for myself, it's just that I had invested everything into my home and I'm so tired from all the worry and sleepless nights about it. Thank you for reading, any advice very gratefully received.
  3. Hello all I am not sure how to update the title of this thread to 'Resolved', but my Vodafone nightmare is well and truely 'resolved'!!! Lee from the Vodafone Web Relations Team has been amazing and deserves either a huge payrise or a knighthood. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to him for restoring my faith in Vodafone. To give you an idea of just how much Lee has helped, my 7 year old son had moved 10 hours away to live with my family as he had been having a tough time after my partner passed away. I couldn't move with him as my default had meant that I could not obtain credit to buy or rent a new home. I am now able to travel down to be reunited with my son and the rest of my family. Words can not express how grateful I am to have had this resolved and I would just like to thank Lee, Vodafone and of course Consumer Action Group for giving me this opportunity to move on. I would strongly advocate giving Lee an opportunity to help you if you have any issues at all with Vodafone, he has been fantastic from start to finish. (Sorry if this creates more work for you Lee). Thank you again.
  4. Hello all I would be extremely grateful if somebody could give me any advice or guidance at all please. I originally posted under the debt section of these forums. Please see the following link, (sorry, it's a bit of a long one). I was advised to post under telecoms instead, so fingers crossed! http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/credit-reference-agencies/238521-vodafone-default-nightmare-sorry.html I had given Vodafone ample time to resolve my complaint before e-mailing the Webteam as advised to. I e-mailed the following (please see further down) and have included the responses from Vodafone. I am not clear on what the outcome of my complaint is and quite frankly, I am at the end of my tether with Vodafone and at a loss as to what to do next. Could you please have a look at their response today and try to decifer whether or not they have removed the default from my account? Good luck if you ever choose to become a Vodafone customer and something terrible and unexpected happens in your life, as this is how you can expect to be treated. Thank you very much in advance for any help that you are able to offer me, these forums have provided me with great advice so far and have been invaluable to me p.s I have blocked out the surnames of the advisors who have contacted me, as they were only doing their job and I didn't think it would be fair to publicise their names across a web board. Also maybe worth pointing out that I was a very reliable customer before the bereavement - always paid bills on time and bills were often well over my monthly tarriff, (at my agreement), so they did make a lot of money out of me! __________________________________________________________ E-Mail correspondance to and from Vodafone: 1. Sent 12th January 2010 at 11:44am Good morning Lee I wonder if you may be able to help me please? Last year I fell behind with my Vodafone bills. My partner died suddenly and I had to use the money I would usually pay bills with to pay for the funeral and travelling expenses. I subsequently defaulted on my Vodafone account and was referred to DLC. I defaulted at £210 and managed to repay this amount off in full by November. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/credit-reference-agencies/238521-vodafone-default-nightmare-sorry.html I subsequently posted on the Consumer Action Group Forums, and have copied the link to you, as I think this will explain all. I had moved to **** to be with my partner, I am originally from ****, where all my family still live. I am not coping very well since my partner died and I am desperatly trying to relocate back to England to have some support for myself and my little boy. I am now unable to obtain a mortgage or any other credit due to the default that Vodafone has placed on my account, so I am stranded here until I can get some sort of resolution to this. I fully admit that I should have mantained my payments to Vodafone and not defaulted on my account. I was not in a very good frame of mind at the time. I am e-mailing to see if there is any possibility at all that Vodafone could please, please have some leniency towards me, as the amount I defaulted on was reasonably small and I managed to pay the balance off in full relatively quickly. This would have an enormous impact on my life by enabling me to be credit worthy again and get home. Also, back in November, I was assured that the credit reference agencies would be updated that the default was settled. This was not done despite me chasing up regularly and being passed from DLC to Vodafone and back again several times. I eventually spoke to a very helpful man a week before Christmas who e-mailed another department while I was on the phone to him. He made it clear that the matter would be dealt with urgently. I subscribe to Experian Credit Expert and can see that my account has still not been marked as settled. I am at the end of my tether with this as I feel I have worked hard to request the account be marked as settled but to no avail. At Christmas I had to use a Payday Loan Company, as I was unable to borrow from reputable / high street lenders due to the effect that an outstanding default has had on my account, which has been very expensive. In summary, I would be grateful for any assistance at all that you would be willing to provide me with. I really need to have the account marked as settled as a matter of urgency please. (I feel I have given Vodafone sufficient time to get this done). One of the posters on my thread suggested that you may be willing to alter my credit file from 'default' to 'three months in arrears'. If you would be willing to do this, I would be extremely grateful, as I would be able to move home in 6 months rather than having to wait 6 years for the default to be removed. Thank you so much for reading through this very long e-mail and I appreciate any assistance that you may be able to provide. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. Best wishes ____________________________________________________________ Reply received From: Webform Subject: Re: F.A.O. Lee. [#*******] To: ******* Date: Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 13:14 Hi **** I work as part of a dedicated complaints team and have come across your email. I have checked your email and see that you have been trying to sort your concerns from quite sometime and I would like to get this sorted for you. I do apologise for all the inconvenience caused to you. I'm sorry to learn about your loss and the entire situation you had to face. Let me quickly check your account and help you with the information. ****, I've checked your account 261***** and can confirm that the account is closed and settled. There is no balance amount which you owe to Vodafone anymore and your account is clear. I trust this helps. I've also attached a short customer feedback questionnaire and would really appreciate your thoughts to help us improve our service and I can assure you, this will be treated in confidence. Just click here to start. Kind regards, Sheetal ******** Vodafone Customer Services We hope you have found our Email Customer Service helpful and convenient. To contact us please click 'here'. Update your Facebook status, chat on IM, get your email or even get the latest news headlines or sports results from the leading websites all on your mobile. Discover and set up a world of entertainment and information available via mobile internet, visit http://www.vodafone.co.uk/getmore Vodafone has logged your email address in case it needs to contact you about other matters relating to your account. It may also be used for marketing purposes - you will soon receive an email explaining this and how you can opt out. _________________________________________________________ My Response: Hello Sheetal Thank you for your e-mail. I appreciate you replying to me so quickly, but I do not think you have answered my enquiry? Your e-mail only confirms that I have settled my account with you, however, I know that I have paid my debt off to you, I was the person who made the phone call to pay the final installment and I have since received a letter from Vodafone to confirm that the outstanding balance was received. My complaint has arisen from the point that, after nearly 3 months and numerous telephone calls to both Vodafone and DLC, Vodafone still do not have appeared to have updated my credit files that the default you placed on my credit files has been satisfied. This has had an enormous impact on my life, as detailed previously. I would appreciate confirmation from Vodafone that the credit agencies have been informed and have updated my files with the correct information. I also asked if there is any possibility that the default could please be altered to 'three missed payments', due to the circumstances under which my debt occured and that I managed to repay the debt in full quickly. I would be very grateful if you would very kindly please respond to me regarding these points. Thank you again for your assistance and kind regards. ___________________________________________________________________ Response received today: Good afternoon ****, Let me help you in removing the default on your credit file. ****, I am sorry to learn that the default has not been removed from your credit file. I've checked the chain of your emails and see that you have been trying to sort your concerns from quite sometime. I'm one of the senior agents of Vodafone email service and I'd like to get this issue sorted for you. I sincerely apologise for all the inconvenience caused, as this is absolutely not the way Vodafone believes in serving its customers. Just to let you know that the default on your credit file cannot be altered to three missed payments. To help you, I have forwarded your details to our relevant department to get your credit file updated. Trust this helps. Using the Vodafone Help Centre is now quicker and easier than ever! Put your mobile number in and we’ll tailor the support to you as a Pay As You Go, Pay Monthly or Business customer. Click here to take a look! I've also attached a short customer feedback questionnaire and would really appreciate your thoughts to help us improve our service and I can assure you, this will be treated in confidence. Just click here to start. Kind regards, Shailesh ****** Vodafone Customer Services We hope you have found our Email Customer Service helpful and convenient. To contact us please click 'here'. Update your Facebook status, chat on IM, get your email or even get the latest news headlines or sports results from the leading websites all on your mobile. Discover and set up a world of entertainment and information available via mobile internet, visit http://www.vodafone.co.uk/getmore Vodafone has logged your email address in case it needs to contact you about other matters relating to your account. It may also be used for marketing purposes - you will soon receive an email explaining this and how you can opt out.
  5. Happy New Year everybody, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everybody who has helped me with this. I'm afraid I don't have any good news to report yet, just a short update. I contacted Vodafone about a week before Christmas and spoke to a helpful man who confirmed that my default had been satisfied at the begining of November. He said that it was unusual that Vodafone hadn't notified the credit reference agencies automatically. Whule I was still on the phone, he sent an e-mail to another dept at Vodafone asking them to notify the CRAs that the default was settled and to update my credit file. He also explained this was urgent. To date, my Experian file is still not updated. However, I know that obviously I have to allow longer due to the Christmas period / holiday season at this time of year and I am happy to do this. Out Of Debt - Thank you so much for your suggestion. I will contact Lee in hope that he would consider altering my file to show 3 missed payments rather than the default. I hope he may be understanding as although there is no doubt that I did default, the circumstances were, I believe, exceptional and I managed to settle the account quickly. Please keep everything crossed for me! - madly enough I went to QuickQuid to borrow money for Christmas, which i do not want to have to do ever again and I am so desperate to move home to be nearer to my family, which I just can not do unless this default disappears. I just can not imagine having to live so far away from support and loved ones for another 6 years. It's amazing what a huge impact a credit file can have on somebody's life. Lesson well and truely learned!! Thanks again to all and a very happy and prosperous 2010.
  6. Thank you 247, I really appreciate your help. Still no luck with this one I'm afraid. Because I am now unable to get any credit at a reasonable rate (the default still shows as outstanding) I have had to get a loan from QuickQuid today, so this is now proving to be extremely expensive for me - all for the sake of £220. I've certainly learned my lesson here!! Thanks again for everything
  7. Hello This is my first post and I hope I am posting under the right subject, apologies if I haven't. I had an account with Vodafone and I always paid my bills on time. However, my partner died suddenly and I was met with funeral expenses, and a large mobile bill just after he passed away, meaning I fell behind with the contract. Vodafone passed my debt onto DLC Collections and put a default on my credit report for £220. I made an arrangement to pay with DLC and paid the debt off in full in November (2009). I managed to pay the debt off within a short space of time. My problem is that I am now desperately trying to relocate to live closer to my family (I presently live 10 hours away, have a young son and we have to move away after all that has happened), and I can not get a mortgage or even remortagge with my current lender, due to the default on my credit score, which is still showing as outstanding even though it has been repaid in full. When I repaid the debt to DLC, they assured me that they would contact Vodafone immediately via fax to confirm they had received payment. I contacted Vodafone and asked when they would notify the CRAs that the default had been settled. They advised that DLC had not yet confirmed that the debt was repaid. (This was 3 weeks after I had made the payment). So I contacted DLC to chase progress. They informed me that at the end of each day, they notify Vodafone of all accounts that have been paid off that day and also they produce a summary of paid accounts, which they send to Vodafone at the end of each week. I contacted Vodafone again and asked to be put through to the Collections Dept (the only number I have for Vodafone is 08700 700191). They wouldn't put me through but spoke to the department and advised me once again that Vodafone had not received any acknowledgement from DLC to say my account was paid. I contacted DLC and chased them (again). They insisted they had informed Vodafone and advised me to get back in touch with Vodafone (incidentally, I asked DLC if they could provide me with a contact number for Vodafone so that I could speak to the Collections Dept directly, but they didn't have one, despite clearly having to deal with them regularly). Since then I have contacted Vodafone again to get a resolution with no luck at all. All I want is the default to be shown on my credit report as satisfied, (ideally removed as it was born out of terrible circumstances and I feel I was always an excellent customer, spending a lot of money with Vodafone every month until the tragic circumstances unfolded, but I know this won't happen, I defaulted and that's that). Meanwhile, for the sake of £220, my son's and my life is on hold. We are trapped here for what could be another 6 years until I can get a mortgage again. Sorry, I don't wish this to sound like a sob story, but it's so frustrating that I can not seem to get a resolution from either Vodafone or DLC. I would be very grateful if anybody has any advice at all for me with regards to how I can get my credit report to show the default is settled. I am suprised that Vodafone and DLC are unable to work more closely and efficiently together to assist customers in these matters. Thank you in advance and I'm sorry about posting such a war and peace novel!
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