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  1. Hi I am afetr a bit of help here. A few months ago a baliff came to my house and insisted on payment for Council Tax arrears of which hw was paid some. At the time he spoke to my sister in law about the debt as my wife was out. last week a different baliff from the same company came out to my house asking for the remiander of the money from the previous visit. My mother in law answered the door thinking that it was my wife returning home from work. My mother in law then found the baliffs foot in the door, he just flashed his ID at her and again discussed the debt with her. he then handed her a piece of paper coverd in red writing. half of what he said he was owed has been paid with the other half due on 30th December. At no point has a baliff entered the house and removed goods. Am I correct in assuming the following: !. That both baliffs were out of oreder in discussing the debt with someone whio is not the debtor? 2. My mother in law is 88 and felt intimidated by the baliff especially as he wouldn't take his foot out of the door. her eye sight is poor so could not identify the baliff properly and is hard of hearing. Did the baliff act outside of his guidelines? 3. The baliff also told my mother in law that there would be an £180 charge for bringing the van out but as no goods were ceased can they do this it is also listed on their bill. So are an additional 2x£100 to be paid monthly until cleared which we don't understand. We do not wish to contact the baliff company over the phone to dispute this but just want to know what the baliffs can charge for 2 visits to a property to get council tax arrears. 4. My wife contacted the council to arrange payments on a monthly basis after the first baliffs visit but the council said it was too late. Is it? Taking all the above in to account what actions can we take if any to reduce the payments to the council and complain about the baliffs attitude and the fees that have been charged before the 30th December? Any help in this matter would be gratefully appreciated. Oh and the last one how do I complain to the police about a baliff who I feel has over stepped the mark if indeed it turns out he has?
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