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Everything posted by bonechild

  1. Hi there I don't know if this is too late. A lot of insurance companies will not send you proof of NCD if you defaulted or cancelled your insurance. They reason being is that you haven't 'earned' it with them and some unscrupulous people use this method to fraudulently gain proof of NCD that they are not entitled to. In your case, I would suggest that you contact your previous insurers (who you did earn the ncd with) and ask them to send you proof. I used to work for a car insurance company and we frequently did this for people who had lost or mislaid their proof. It should be valid for up to 2 years after you leave that company, so get it done quick. god luck and hope this helps
  2. i don't think the dvla has been updated. presumably this enforcement agency found her new address through her new council tax details. her car is now at my house but presumably the bailiff can still go round to the house and take things i her absence. we understand he cannot do this through forcible entry but if her flatmate is in and the patio door is open then we are guessing he can enter. we have called the number he left on his letter but he is unavailable. we have also texted to leave a 'paper trail' and show that an effort has been made. if this conpany has found her address now, then is it possible that they should have given these warnings to at this address as they obviously found out she moved. she has had parking tickets from the council before but believed they were all paid and had no knowledge of these ones
  3. thanks everybody the fines relate to parking tickets apparently issued by Poole Borough Council. the letter say the charges are PCN £80 and everything above that is charges incurred and vat. she did move back in April/May but did make arrangements to have her post redirected. these letters say she has 'failed to respond to our previous letters' but she hasn't ever received and notice or letters before this. if they had tried to write to the other address and recieved no reply can this be counted as them going through the correct motions? they obviously have her correct address now but are not treating this as a first contact. the name of the company is Ross and Roberts. the letters are issued by someone there who signs himself as a bailiff. it is possible that these fines were issued by a local government parking official. Presumably if someone removed these from her car or if the wind blew it off etc etc the fine would still be payable. the problem here is a) she didn't know about them so couldn't pay them. b) she didn't receive any notice of non-payment and therefore any extra charges c) we cannot contact the council till monday and these bailiffs may come and take her car or something. d) she hasn't seen any notice to owner or court papers but what if they say these were sent to her other address?
  4. Hi there I'm new here and I apologise if this has been answered before. my daughter has just received a letter saying she has outstanding parking fines, 4 in total. she is unaware of them but now a company of civil enforcers have wrtten saying she owes £368.31 each for two fines and £185.46 for the other two. 4 letters were put into 1 envelope all dated and timed exactly the same. the two for the higher amounts are headed ATTENDANCE TO REMOVE and the other two for the lesser amounts are headed FIRST NOTICE. This is the first she has heard about any of this. She is scared witless and worried about this ruining her credit scoring. A clean credit record is a requirement for her job. If its spoilt she may lose her job over this. Can she dispute this? Should she start to pay just to get them off her back first and then dispute it? PLEASE PLEASE HELP
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