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Everything posted by pinklover

  1. Thanks so much diamondgirl! I'll send that letter by next day delivery on Monday so they get it in time for Tuesday!
  2. No, not much charges..the balance is rather large and they add on some late fees etc. But I don't think it is worth to fight for those fees back..my only concern is the door visit or the likelihood of it...
  3. Thanks Johnnymitch yet again for helping me re: editing post!;-) I've re-attach links so that it this post hopefully won't stretch too long! As I mentioned previously, they've reply back to confirm they're unable to locate my sign copy of the agreement as highlighted on my 1st page attachment letter. Instead, they've send the various PRE-contract agreement and the breakdown of the payments I've made so far etc.. So, my question is if there is a letter to send them (obvious not to request my true copy of the agreement anymore! As they already said they haven't) but to nicely ask them to written it off becos there are no agreement, which I know they won't but prehaps start to negotiate a F&F offer? Hope it make sense! My thoughts is that as long as this won't go to court (which I doubt it would now), I don't intent to make payments towards it mostly becos I can't afford it right now, so I guess it'll just get pass around different DCA in circles for the next years? Am I right to assume that?! HSBCCCA1.jpg picture by pinkshoppy - Photobucket HSBCCCA2.jpg picture by pinkshoppy - Photobucket HSBCCCA3.jpg picture by pinkshoppy - Photobucket HSBCCCA5.gif picture by pinkshoppy - Photobucket HSBCCCA5.gif picture by pinkshoppy - Photobucket HSBCCCA6.gif picture by pinkshoppy - Photobucket Thanks again for all the help so far!!
  4. Hi all, It's my first post on this section and I desperately need some help or advice if someone have come across similar experience etc.. So, I'm oweing Halifax around on a credit card which I've been paying minimum until my financial situation changed in Jan and I'm missed 2 months' payment since. I've requested for my CCA and they've sent it on time and looks like enforceble to me. My problem is that this is registered to an address which I no longer live in but I get all the correspondance redirect to my new address. I've also understand that they've left trillion voicemail at my old address through checking my voicemail remotely. So, no doubt they're trying their best to contact me. I've stated on all the correspondance that all contact are in writing only but of course they choose to ignore. I've proposed a reduced payment which they're not agreeing, suggested me to contact other charity source for help and continue to make token payments.. So today, I've received a note about a home visit next week by their representative and if I'm not around, I should call and re-arrange. This note is send with Halifax letterhead and doesn't look like from a DCA yet. Has any of you had that in the past? How likely are they to turn up? Is it just a way to get me to call them? I really dont know what to do, in a way if I'm sure someone is going to turn up, I would go there and act as if I live there to avoid them hunting for me at other addresses later but because it is soooo far away, I'm not sure if it is worth going and it is just a buff! Besides, what do they really do if they turn up? Ask for a cup of tea and a chat??! I'd appreciate if someone can share their thoughts, I'm planning to pay some of it off slowly but just can't afford it right now and really not meant to run away like this but because we really cannot be disclosed at new address, this is the only option! I'm suprise how quickly this esclate consider I've only missed 2 payments...just hope it'll take a bit longer before it gets to court if they choose to do so..
  5. Thanks so much again Johnny! You've been great help! I shall post that out and see what they come back with! Just hope they've got nothing!!
  6. Ok, so a little update on the CCA requests that I've send just over two weeks ago now..sadly, they've promptly responsed to my request on credit card agreement and from my limited knowledge, looks like the real deal as it has my original signature on it and that they send the documents within the allow timeframe..so can't really agrue with that! However, they still haven't send me the agreement for my unsecure loan which I've sent the request on the same day as the credit card one, it has now go over the 12+2 days timeframe. Can someone please suggest me which letter to send now? will it be the account in dispute one? At least, because they've produced the Credit Card agreement without asking for my real signature on the request letter, they can't really ask for that for my loan agreement copies! At least, they can't use that as an excuse if they fail to produce that copy.
  7. Thanks so much again! I will send following up letter, CCA and copies of previous letter to the Leeds address..my 1st letters was sent to my account holding branch and copies was sent to Canada square, London. I will be sending them as recorded from now on, it was just at the time post office was closed and I happen to have lots of stamps lying around and didn't thought much of keeping a record of it all. I shall write an update if I hear anything from them. Thanks again!
  8. Just a little update of my situation and looking for help at the same time! So, still haven't heard much from HSBC regarding my missing payment on my loan and credit card. I've not yet send my CCA (Yes, I know..as I've been away since my last post but planning to send them end of this week) So far, I've only received 2 standard letter reminding me to make payment and asking me to call, together with a leaflet for help on finances etc. My concern is that since I send them the letter regarding them taking money from my (already overdrawn current account) to repay my monthly loan payment, they're still doing it this month. I've just check my account online and my normal loan payment goes out 1st of each month and I can see they've debit from my account again! My agreed overdraft limit is only £250 but now because they've debit 2 x monthly loan payment, it's over £900 overdrawn. I'm aware from the posts above that it is illegal for them to do that. I've sent them the letter for over 2 weeks now, they've not response or credit my account back to normal. I'm wondering if someone can tell me what is the best address to write to them and also address to send in for my CCA? Many thanks!
  9. I'm afraid I might not have explain it properly..I've taken a loan from them years ago, probably around 8 years ago. My credit card payment have gone up lots in a few years after and they afford me to combine the credit card balance to the exisiting loan to make it a lump sum to pay (as lower interest), so I sign for a new loan amount around 2007. Sadly, as well as paying for that loan, I've also use the credit card as well..which means that the credit card payment start building up again to the point now where I cannot afford to repay both the loan and the card. So, I'm afraid it's not a short term measure as they've issue me with a new agreement to sign at the time when I increase the loan amount to pay off the CC. (Just hope they lost the paperwork now!)
  10. Thanks again, I'm so thankful of all the info I gain from here! I've no idea they're not allow to take more from an overdrafted account. I've written them a letter now to ask them to bring my account back to what it was before so that I can pay off my overdraft at least. In regards to lumping everything to one, I've been there..done that as well as I get into this mess because that's what they proposed to me 2 years ago to consolidate in one big sum..and guess what?! I'm not in a position that I can't afford such a big payment every month anymore..so I won't be tempted to do that again, that's for sure!
  11. Thanks Johnnymitch, I've already using a parachute account for my wages to pay in from this month onwards. I think I'll pay in what I propose to them and continue writing to them as well as request for a CCAs. The only thing with the overdraft is that, my agreed overdraft amount was only £250 but because of my non payment on the loan, they've decided to go over my overdraft limit and debit the loan from there, making the overdraft amount by £600 as (£350 is for loan repayment), so even if I pay in £250 trying to clear it, it won't be clear as it has gone above the limit..hope it makes sense?! I'll keep you all posted for when I hear more from them and see if they manage to send me the CCAs that I will be requesting. Thanks for any advice!
  12. So, I received the 1st letter from HSBC regarding my financial situation. Basically, I've an unsecured loan of £13,000, a credit card of £3,500 and overdrawn in my current account of £250 with them. All the payments have been kept up to date apart from the start of Jan which is when I'm experiencing difficulties to making repayments. I've written to them using the template from this site about making reduce payment base on what I can afford which is around £60 but instead of hearing to see if they'll accept that for the time being, I received a confusing message about a recent conversation I had with them which they agreed to call me back but fail to reach me, they're asking me to call and discuss with possibly another call centre about my situation. I've never had any conversation with them as I put in my letter that all my correspondance will be in writing only, so I guess it must be a template letter? So I'm wondering what should my next step be? Should I put in some sort of token payment to show that at least I attempt to pay in? or write to them again asking if £60 is acceptable? Also I've not send them the CCA request letters, should I be doing that at this stage to see if they've an valid agreement? I really appreciate any help possible!
  13. Thanks so much, I'm grateful for any advice on this! It is 1 loan taken out possibly 2007 and a credit card 2004, both with HSBC and a Halifax credit card in 2007. I think I'm going to put the citizenship on hold for now as it actually does not make a big difference and also cost a lot! Around £700! I just wasn't sure if I start requesting for the CCA now, it'll give my game away sooner to the bank as they'll probably know that I won't be making my monthly payment soon? I'll do a I & E ready to send it out to them in January time.
  14. Hi Everyone! I've been reading up all the sound advice from this forum and here is my first post as it is a situation that I can't seem to search elsewhere, hope some of you can give me advice?! I currently owe 1 unsecure loan and 2 credit cards which I won't be able to afford to pay them from Jan onwards. So far, I've only been making the min payment on the cards. Although I'm married, all the debts are only under my name and were taken out before I got married. I, myself have no assets at all apart from some shoes and handbags! Situation is that my husband (wed overseas and so far nothing in the UK is registered that we're marry!) does own a house which is currently emptied and I've since change all my bills and bank account to that address, thinking for when I do get chase for the debts, no one will be there anyway. My plan is to first write to them, explain my difficulties and see what they offer me back. At the same time, if I start requesting for my CCA etc, will that give the bank an impression that I have no intention to pay it and esclates to chase or sell my debts to the DCA quickly? My problem is that I also wants to apply for British citizenship and have been trying to save up to be able to afford it, but I've just realised that they will check if I'm of good character and if there are anything like criminal offence etc on my records. So far, I've been very good and have nothing on file but I worried that the issues with the unpaid debt will stop my application and will be decline. So, my question is if I apply for the citizenship in Jan (which takes max 6 months) will my credit file be trashed already? What are the rough time scale on me stop paying and the bank still puting bad marks on my account? Are there any letters I should start sending to prolong the whole process so that I can get the citizenship done before any court proceeding happens? Thanks for any help in advance!
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