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Everything posted by ahnoed

  1. Thanks citizenB. I'll go through the Bank of Scotland and hopefully get someone good to talk to.
  2. Hi All, Well an update for you. I got the letters back from my bank with my agreements (of course they didn't send it within the 10 working days as stated in the letters I sent). I have secured a loan to pay off the debt in the UK now (it was the best option and payments are much more affordable for me). Now the problem. I have credit card debt and a personal loan, both with the Bank of Scotland, who do I contact to pay off the debt? I am still receiving credit card "statements" from the credit card company asking me to pay and still getting demand letters from 2 creditors (iQor and another which tells me to contact Iqor), all for the exact same amount). If I pay the credit card company, will iQor stop hounding me or should I go through iQor? Alternatively, can I go into a Bank of Scotland branch and get it sorted out on the spot? (I am still not in Scotland though, but would make the trip if it all got sorted out quickly). The same thing applies to my personal loan, do I contact my bank or do I contact the creditors? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. I was just wondering about the £1 postal order, would a pound coin surfice or is it better with a postal order?
  4. Thank-you citizenB, that is very helpful. I shall get a letter off to Blair ASAP and hope for a speedy end to this mess.
  5. Hello all, I hope someone here can help me. After looking through some papers the other day it appears that I have 3 craditors trying to get me to pay for the exact same thing, they are: Blair, Oliver and Scott Limited, Albion Collections LTD and the latest addition, iQor recovery Services Ltd I have sent a few letters to my bank before the credtiors got involved and they never relied, I have also sent a few letters (registered and non-registered) to Albion and Blair to discuss payment terms and have not received any reply from them, only more claims letters. I have not sent any letters to iQor yet. I have been waiting on and off for replies for just over 7 months apporximately. What options do I have? Can anyone give me advice as to what I can do? Also, I am not in Scotland any more. Thanks
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