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Everything posted by confusedofea

  1. Dear all I am also a NR Together person. However, my husband walked out a year ago and left me with debt which made me unable to do anything else apart from go bankrupt (a last option believe me - but if anyone wants to ask me about it please do). The loan portion of the mortgage, as it was classified as unsecured, was approved and listed in my petition of bankruptcy. I am now discharged from the bankruptcy and believed that as the loan part of the mortgage, being stated as unsecured, was in my bankruptcy, I would have been comitting fraud if I paid anything towards it. And now I am discharged, I believed that I was not responsible for any debt named in the petition apart from the secured part of the mortgage. This was the belief of both a financial adviser, solicitor and official receiver handling my case. My ex had been paying the loan for the last year whilst I paid the full mortgage and all bills. Now he wants out of the mortgage. I met with Northern Rock today, they seem to say that I am still liable for the 'unsecured' loan on the house, however, as above, I believe that if I paid anything towards this I would be commiting fraud. Can anyone clarify what is correct considering my situation? How can they claim an 'unsecured' if actually it is secured on the mortgage? Surely this is a false discription of the loan? Can anyone shed light on this? Many thanks anyone who can offer any enlightenment.
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