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Posts posted by knigget

  1. ads_uk... I'm really sorry to hear that you have found yourself in state of Depression..I understand that believe me..As coledog and the other guys are here helping you with this matter, I don't think (in my humble opinion) a solicitor could do it any better or different. Remember this is not personal,although it may seem that way to you, I am having a wail of a time with Cabot at the moment..lol .... its just business. So don't get yourself upset and et up about it...In my opinion, judging by what I have read here and on his own site, Mr Hart is one of those types that will do pretty much anything to get money from any one, in anyway possible, you to him are just another money source, I'm sure if he ever met you in person he would not act in the way he is doing through the course of this debacle/problem/[problem]/money making racket he has going on.. You seem to be a really nice person with a great sense of fun and humour, keep your chin up ..you are doing great, with the fantastic folks here helping you with the paper side of things, I truly can't see anything you have to be scared of or worried about with this matter...All the best Kniggs.;)

  2. All joking aside Cerbs but one must wonder about his sanity:jaw:

    I have been saying that from the start of this thread Brigadier *Snaps to attention and knocks out a perfect salute*

    I will say that I really believe Mr Hart has psycho delusional disorder with a hint of raving lunatic thrown in for good measure... :)

  3. Its just a shame we still don't have "That's Life" on TV eh?..lol Esther would have taken this guy down a peg or two..or we could have sent Doc Cox round to bug him with his poetry ..lol As I said before if it wasn't so painful for ads_uk we would all be laughing our heads off at this guy and his antics.. The mainstream media are too busy doing as they are told by the Government to be able to report on people like this guy.!

  4. How dare you put Billy Connelly in the same sentance, that guy has style, and wouldnt sink so low to bring this chap up.


    His photo kind of reminds me of Ted Buckland from scrubs

    ahahahahah ...Great to see your spirits are up ads_uk.. The guys here really are terrific and as helpful a bunch as I have ever had the privilege to meet.;)

  5. Of course metaphorically..Punching this guy would be like fighting my 5 year old son..! Just trying to keep ads_uk laughing at this muppet..!

    I am more than sure we can all see that were it not for the fact that he has put ads_uk through hell..This entire situation would make it into a Billy Connelly show.!

  6. It seems to me that this guy is suffering from N.B.P.E..(Not Being Punched Enough.!) or too much as the case may be.. I would seriously be considering calling the Police with regards to my safety if this guy had my home address, there is clearly something not quite right with his thought processes, as someone hasn't quite packed his picnic to capacity.!

  7. Hi there .tomlittley


    If you are having problems with DCA's trying their luck and your patience and they have not responded in the required manner to any of your requests for Proof that you owe them anything..send them something like the letter below..Obviously change it to suit your own personal circumstances, you are not doing anything wrong, all you are doing is asking for the correct Information so you can ascertain if you are indeed liable for the debt or amount they are pestering you for..In the letter I used below, we are pointing out to them, that if they wish to remain within the guidelines that they were given and "MUST" follow if they want to keep their licence to trade, that they must stop pestering you for money until they prove to you, that you do indeed owe the amount the say you do..

    If they are phoning you all the time tell them that you want your PRIVATE telephone number removing from their system and that you will only use written correspondence methods so you have available proof of what they are telling you.

    Remind them that they could well be in contravention of the communications act by using the telephone as a means to cause harassment;


    I have verbally requested these to stop, and that any and all correspondence with your company should be in writing only. But I am still receiving calls.

    I now require the telephone number listed above to be completely removed from your system.


    I am of the view that your continued calls are in breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and section 40 Administration of Justice Act 1970. If you continue to harass me by telephone, you will also be in breach of the Communications Act (2003) s.127 and I will report you to OFCOM, Trading standards and the Office of Fair Trading, meaning that you may be liable to a substantial fine.

    Take notice, that all calls from your company are being logged by time and date received.


    Take control and don't be bullied by these belligerent nobodies, until they prove you have any debt at all with them, they have the same amount of authority over you as a Asda shelf stacker..NONE whatsoever. And even if they can prove you owe them something, they still cannot treat you in the way they are doing. Hold them to their own rules..


    Please take notice that at this point I wish to point out to you the Office of Fair Trading Guidelines with regards to collection of any Alleged Debts…

    The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has a duty under the Consumer Credit Act 1974

    To ensure that licences are only given to and retained by those who are fit to hold

    them. The Act provides that the OFT take into account any circumstances which

    appear to be relevant and in particular any evidence that an applicant, licensee, or

    their employees, agents or business associates, past or present, have:

    engaged in business practices appearing to us to be deceitful, oppressive or

    otherwise unfair or improper (whether unlawful or not).



    2.1 It is unfair to communicate, in whatever form, with consumers in an unclear,

    inaccurate or misleading manner.


    2.2 Examples of unfair practices are as follows:

    e. failing to provide debtors or creditors with information on status

    of debts, for example, not providing requested balance statements when

    reasonably requested..


    False representation of authority and or legal position.

    2.3 Those contacting debtors must not be deceitful by misrepresenting their authority

    and/or the correct legal position.

    2.4 Examples of unfair practices are as follows:

    b. falsely implying or stating that action can or will be taken when it legally

    cannot, for example, referring to bankruptcy or sequestration proceedings

    when the balance is too low to qualify for such proceedings or claiming a

    right of entry when no court order to this effect has been granted.

    h. ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are

    disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment.


    Deceptive and/or unfair methods

    2.7 Dealings with debtors are not to be deceitful and/or unfair.

    2.8 Examples of unfair practices are as follows:

    c. refusing to deal with appointed or authorised third parties, such

    as Citizens Advice Bureau, independent advice center’s or money


    d. contacting debtors directly and bypassing their appointed representatives.

    i. failing to investigate and/or provide details as appropriate, when a debt is

    queried or disputed, possibly resulting in debtors being wrongly pursued.

    k. not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or

    disputed debt.


    Debt collection visits

    2.11 Those visiting debtors must not act in an unclear or threatening manner.

    2.12 Examples of unfair practices are:

    d. entering a property uninvited

    e. not leaving a property when asked to

    f. visiting or threatening to visit debtors without prior agreement when the

    debt is deadlocked or disputed.


    2.12f: Visiting or threatening to visit debtors without prior agreement when the

    debt is deadlocked or disputed.

    By 'disputed' we mean genuinely disputed. We are not seeking to protect 'won’t pays' but

    those who are being pursued for a debt they do not owe or genuinely believe they do not

    owe. Debt collectors who can show that the debt is due and that any dispute has been

    looked into and the debt confirmed will not be in breach of this provision.

    Take care buddy and relax you are in good company here, there are many many very knowledgeable people here who will do their level best to help you out..;)

    Kniggs. :D


  8. ACS:Law.paltry fine

    Former ACS:Law owner Andrew Crossley has been fined by the Information Commissioner’s Office for allowing the details of around 6,000 Internet users to be leaked onto the Internet. However, since Crossley has pleaded poverty his £200,000 fine was reduced to £1,000. Interesting, particularly since TorrentFreak has seen documents which show Crossley as jointly owning a house worth £750,000.

    British Justice at its best I'm afraid.!

    Please be aware there are strong swear words in some of the quotes after the article.sorry Mods or staff please delete if unsuitable.:!:

  9. Hi Ads thanks for that..unfortunately I can't see them well enough to discern anything on them..If you are using a all in one printer, copier, scanner, can you have a look and see that the dpi is set to at least 200 so when we enlarge them, the pictures are still readable.. My first thought is that they are from the Northampton Bulk processing center although I can't really see properly.. If they are from there, all that happens there is, a Solicitor is paid to rubber stamp any requests for court action, apparently they do not look through all the case issues or notices..Its happened to a few of my friends who have refused to pay Cabot and other such companies because they would not prove any debt was owed..

    Cheers.... Kniggs :)

  10. Firstly let me just say to Scarlet Pimpernel..Keep your head down and stay safe, Afghanistan is not a nice place to be, although I hear camp Bastion is nice in the spring.. :S

    We have all been in situations that we either didn't understand or couldn't understand. Mr Hart has put a fellow Human being under undue stress and fear and in doing so has got all our backs up.. I am by no means a pro at this, but I am learning everyday that there are money lenders and debt collection agencies out there that do not have our best interests at heart, and will do just about anything legal or not to get their hands on our hard-earned cash, so we all come here to see if we can help each other in anyway possible. I don't condone debt dodgers at all, and I know that there are a few out there that do come here for that reason. I really believe that ads_uk is being targeted for money he/she does not owe and I for one will do my utmost to help them as much as I can..

    The people like Mr Hart and his crew need to be stopped, in order to do that we need to get these thugs in to court and show them for what they really are, bullies that use peoples fear of courts and legal system to frighten them into paying for something which they don't owe be that money or PPI and the like..lets all work together and help ads_uk to get a letter/ defence together that can put a stop to any proceedings that might start against them.

    Cheers Kniggs.. :)

  11. CAN I remind the Hart Fan Club that Ads needs to get his defence in ASAP, this week. I am a bit busy at the moment :wink:

    What has he got to defend himself against coledog?...

    1, There is no determinable contract signed or otherwise.

    2, If there is a contract, where is the signature binding both parties to it?

    3, How can you build a defence when you don't know what it is you are defending against!

    4 Without a breach of contract or a controversial matter for the court to adjudicate on there is no case.

    5, Clearly there is a serious breach of OFT and TSA regulations and guidelines here. How was this case brought to court in the first place?

    6, To whom would you address a defence?, Where there clearly has been no breach or even intent to contract in the first place..

    7, If the Intent to contract could be shown, clearly Mr Heart did not fulfil his side of the contract, by not providing the services he alleges any contract was for. i.e. he did not provide money or loan at any time. And if he did, he would have been breaking the Law, as he does not have a discernible Credit licence number or issuing authority that can be shown on the *giggle* "Contract" *giggle*.

    8, If ads_uk goes to his local court and explains what has happened to him , I would bet my last pound that Mr Heart would be arrested for [causing problems], and at the very least charged with intimidation of a person with intent to obtain money by deception..

    There clearly is no case to answer here..I have seen NOTHING at all that could even warrant it getting into a court building, never mind a court room,

    Case Facts;

    1, ads_uk did not receive money from this company.

    2, ads_uk asks to see a contract and any paperwork stating that he had contracted with the company, and that he had received money from them on this occasion. None was forthcoming.

    3,ads_uk explains that he did not receive money and that no debt therefore exists.

    4, Mr Heart sends threatening letters to ads_uk demanding that money be paid to him, even though Mr Heart has not shown that money is owed.

    5, Mr Heart obtains "Some kind of court order".. How has he done this in the first place?

    6, At every step ads_uk has been able to show that no money was received on this occasion, i.e. Bank statements and such.

    In My Humble opinion this should be treated as a criminal offence against ads_uk. It is blatantly obvious that ads_uk has been targeted by [problematic] and should report this Crime to the Police asap. If this company could be shown to have allowed a person to see ads_uk's account details and that it is the old account details that have been used to fill out any forms using his details, then a fraud and deception as been committed.

    This is just my opinion base on what I have read in this thread.. I have seen nothing at all that gives me the impression that there is any case at all to answer to..

    all the best ..Kniggs. :)

  12. This is stepping into and beyond the realms of criminal activity now, I would say beyond any doubt now that they are demanding money with menaces. Threats of legal action when it is highly unlikely to be able to obtain such orders is defined as against OFT rules and Trading standards directives.. I would definitely go to my local police station and report this, I would also go to my local county court and ask to get an injunction against this man from contacting you again.. he is quite literally living in cloud cuckoo land..

    1.2. The agreement has been signed by or on behalf of the Lender. You will be deemed to have signed this agreement when you enter your name in the signature box. The agreement will come into force when you have signed it.


    So I ask again where is your signature ads_uk? Where is the signed contract binding both parties showing equal consideration by both parties and showing intent to contract?If this wasn't upsetting you so much ads_uk I would be howling with laughter at this time..I think I am right in saying that you literally have nothing at all to worry about here, as if/when you do get to court explain to the judge that you have been getting no sleep over this matter and it has made you ill with fear of court proceedings against you , when you don't understand how he has done so , I would bet my last money that the Judge will award you compensation for his utterly diabolical actions..

  13. Does this claim to be a response to a CPR request? Or is it as you typed? Has he missed the point of a legal request?

    If that's his interpretation of a legal response I am quite afraid...To think we actually have people who think like that walking the streets of the UK.!


    I really like this one...

    6.7 You grant us permission to contact your employer at any time as may be reasonably required by us.

    I don't think my boss will pay you either mate...lol

  14. so where is your signature ads?..where on there is the contract binding both parties?...this guy is crazy if he thinks that says anything other than an explanation of terms you must have "Agreed" to, to be bound by it..If you are saying that you haven't, then I have still yet to see anything other than he is acting like a spoiled child because you haven't just paid up with out asking questions.. If I was in your position ads; I would put a fee schedule in place, stating that you will charge an administration fee for the time you are wasting on this, along with a fee for the time you are spending researching and building your defence against the malicious allegation he has made against you..I would also inform him that you might be in a position to sue him for defamation of character if he continues to pursue this frivolous and malicious claim.

  15. I personally wouldn't bother with all the oft guidelines on debt collection in your letter. You do not have anything to do with them and so they simply need to cease and desist.


    Write n tell them that, unless they remove your number forthwith, you will report them to the oft, trading standards and police for harrassment. And, you will also be looking ar sueing them.

    The problem you could encounter by leaving out the OFT guidelines is; that they believe that Why does Owe the money, or someone at that address does..If Why puts them on NOTICE and uses the OFT guidelines it can be proved that She has done so, and that they are in breach of their regulating bodies guidelines, because they haven't investigated whether or not it is Why's account before harassing her, and as such can have sanctions taken against them for acting with out cause..

    All the best ..Kniggs.:D

  16. Harassment Warning


    Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent; Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal.

    Re; Harassment by telephone.

    I am writing in relation to the telephone calls to my home telephone number (your number here) that I have received from your company, which I deem to be personally harassing.

    This is a private Telephone Line.

    I have verbally requested these to stop, and informed your agent that I have no business with your company. But I am still receiving calls.


    I now require the telephone number listed above to be completely removed from your system.


    I am of the view that your continued calls are in breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and section 40 Administration of Justice Act 1970. If you continue to harass me by telephone, you will also be in breach of the Communications Act (2003) s.127 and I will report you to OFCOM, Trading standards and the Office of Fair Trading, meaning that you may be liable to a substantial fine.

    Take notice, that all calls from your company are being logged by time and date received.


    Furthermore I will take this opportunity to remind you of the following;


    Guidelines with regards to collection of any Alleged Debts…

    The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has a duty under the Consumer Credit Act 1974

    To ensure that licences are only given to and retained by those who are fit to hold

    them. The Act provides that the OFT take into account any circumstances which

    appear to be relevant and in particular any evidence that an applicant, licensee, or

    their employees, agents or business associates, past or present, have:

    engaged in business practices appearing to us to be deceitful, oppressive or

    otherwise unfair or improper (whether unlawful or not).



    2.1 It is unfair to communicate, in whatever form, with consumers in an unclear, inaccurate or misleading manner.


    2.2 Examples of unfair practices are as follows:

    e. failing to provide debtors or creditors with information on status

    of debts, for example, not providing requested balance statements when

    reasonably requested..


    False representation of authority and or legal position.

    2.3 Those contacting debtors must not be deceitful by misrepresenting their authority

    and/or the correct legal position.

    2.4 Examples of unfair practices are as follows:

    b. falsely implying or stating that action can or will be taken when it legally

    cannot, for example, referring to bankruptcy or sequestration proceedings

    when the balance is too low to qualify for such proceedings or claiming a

    right of entry when no court order to this effect has been granted.

    h. ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are

    disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment.


    Deceptive and/or unfair methods

    2.7 Dealings with debtors are not to be deceitful and/or unfair.

    2.8 Examples of unfair practices are as follows:

    c. refusing to deal with appointed or authorised third parties, such

    as Citizens Advice Bureau, independent advice center’s or money


    d. contacting debtors directly and bypassing their appointed representatives.

    i. failing to investigate and/or provide details as appropriate, when a debt is

    queried or disputed, possibly resulting in debtors being wrongly pursued.

    k. not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or

    disputed debt.


    Debt collection visits

    2.11 Those visiting debtors must not act in an unclear or threatening manner.

    2.12 Examples of unfair practices are:

    d. entering a property uninvited

    e. not leaving a property when asked to

    f. visiting or threatening to visit debtors without prior agreement when the

    debt is deadlocked or disputed.


    2.12f: Visiting or threatening to visit debtors without prior agreement when the

    debt is deadlocked or disputed.

    By 'disputed' we mean genuinely disputed. We are not seeking to protect 'won’t pays' but

    those who are being pursued for a debt they do not owe or genuinely believe they do not

    owe. Debt collectors who can show that the debt is due and that any dispute has been

    looked into and the debt confirmed will not be in breach of this provision.

    Print your Name but DO NOT SIGN IT.!

    Hi There Why... Send them this NOTICE..Be sure to log all calls from them and report them to the local trading standards office, you can find that by Google for your local area..

    You have made your position clear it is now up to them to research. You don't have to prove you don't owe them anything, its up to them to prove that you do, and until they do, they must cease any action, phone calls or harassment of you till they know that you are the person they are wanting to contact..

    I'm sure some of the more knowledgeable folks here can help you further..Try to stay calm and not worry, you are in good company here..:)

  17. He should have this and any other case he brings flung from the court and barred from bringing cases like that again as Vexatious and frivolous..

    Complaints to HMCS should also put his use of the legal system into question.

    Great minds think alike eh?.. :)


    Unless he has something to surprise ads_uk with,
    By that sentence I mean if ads_uk has clicked on a wrong link on the site or something as innocuous as that , and Mr n00b thinks he has the right to claim against him... ;)
  18. He’s more than just a pest, knigget – he has issued a claim!

    Yeah...; but can you imagine the county court Judges face when all is explained to him?..It looks to me as if the guy needs locking up for his own and everyone else's safety..

    Unless he has something to surprise ads_uk with, then I have seen nothing that will last any more than about 3 minutes in court.. He should have this and any other case he brings flung from the court and barred from bringing cases like that again as Vexatious and frivolous..

    He should also, in my humble opinion, be arrested for causing public nuisance and causing ads_uk and his family undue stress and aggravation..


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