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  1. Ok then. Thanks for all the replies much appreciated!
  2. £40, not a lot to some but quite a bit to me!
  3. Hmm yeah I just hope its possible to sort it out! Thanks anyway Kish4000
  4. Yeah put the cash in the envelope
  5. Yes I have it! ..But it says "the amount paid in is subject to checking by the bank"...obviously I know how much I really paid in but they could argue otherwise...?
  6. Hi, apologies because this isn't directly related to bank charges, but I'm wondering what to do. Recently I paid some cash into my HSBC account. When I checked my account the amount they had credited me was short of what I had actually paid in! As it was paid into the machine, I'm unsure as to my rights; I'm waiting for them to contact me back, but what should I do if they refuse to give me the rest of the money? Any information would really be appreciated!
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