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  1. Yesterday we received a notice from Chandlers Ltd. bailiffs for unpaid council tax.The amount of the real debt is £1498.33 and now we got a notice from the bailiffs demanding a sum of £1583.33 plus an amount of £381.25 on top of the original amount. Apparently, they have two different orders, one for the sum of £218.75 and the other for the sum of £1279.58. The bailiffs claim to have visited our premises on 17/10 this year, but we haven't received any notice of that visit yet they claim to have left a notice of their visit in to our mail box. We offered to pay them the amount of £1583.33, but they refused that arrangement. We were also in contact with the council, but they refused our offer to pay the debt directly to them and said that we have to deal directly with the bailiffs instead of paying the money to them. The person who we spoke to this morning in the Chandlers Bailiffs' told that if we don't pay the amount of £381.25 today before 4pm, they're going to come in and remove all the goods. And only after we have payed the £381.25 we can start negotiating the payment plan for the remaining £1583.33. They have never been inside our house and no walking possession agreement has been made, this is the first time we've been in contact with them as we haven't heard of them before the notice we received yesterday, and yet they are threatening to remove our goods straight away. So, suddenly our debt of £1498.33 has turned in to a debt of almost 2000 pounds.This sounds a bit dodgy, and I'd like to know are they trying to charge money from us that they are not actually allowed to charge? Thank you.
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