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Everything posted by RenaultUK

  1. Hi Stumpy77 I'm David from Renault UK, I saw your post and I wanted to respond to it. I'm sorry that you've suffered a repeat issue with your wiper motor. As I think has been mentioned, when parts are replaced during the warranty period the residual warranty on the vehicle is applied to that part. However we do look at cases on a goodwill basis outside of warranty and the repeat failure does seem premature. Please would you email me at eresponse@renault.co.uk with the following information: Your name: Registration number: Current mileage: Where & When you purchased the vehicle: Which Renault dealer you are using: A contact telephone number (pref mobile): Once I have all this I'll speak to one of our customer service managers and ask them to contact you to discuss your case and see if we can assist with some of the costs. Hope this helps. David Renault UK
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