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Everything posted by Aqua-Sition

  1. OK Thanks postggj, I will send them another CCA request and an SAR. I will also inform them that they are default.
  2. OK I follow you, how do you come to the conclusion that it's a put together document. If this is the case, it is obviously not the original Hire Purchase Agreement. That being the case, what is my position? Would welcome expanded reply as I'm a little newbie here.
  3. I requested the information and they eventually sent it after 2 months!
  4. The amount of Credit is (A-B) = £14,499.07. A = Total Cash Price (inc VAT) = £14,499.07. B = Less Deposit = £0.00
  5. Would you have a look at the Debenhams thread for me too please
  6. Should mention.. I think that the individual who signed my wife up to this card was from an agency as there is no staff number on the agreement. Does this make any difference?
  7. Yes, there is no dealers name or address or stamp on the agreement in the box provided. There is no signature of the dealer in the box provided.
  8. No micky mouse insurance... but are you saying that they should have given a 14 day cooling off period or are you saying that as they have given voluntary terminiation rights they did not need to give the cooling off period?
  9. Yes, an amount of £9,209.30. Yes, Hire Purchase Agreement Regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
  10. No definately a Hire Purchase Agreement and I definately signed it at home. As I said it was essentially a refinance on the same car, but a new agreement was entered into. I am hoping to use the cca 1974 to get rid of outstanding payments (around £3000) just like others in here who find themselves in a difficult position at the moment. I take it that the clause is wrong in which case they failed to give me my legal rights - correct?
  11. I took out a Hire Purchase Agreement for a second hand car 22nd Nov 2005. In fact it was a refinancing to reduce the monthly payments - however, still a fresh Hire Purchase Agreement. The agreement was signed in my own home. Further more, it was a restricted use agreement insofar that it paid for a motor vehicle and I did not receive any cash. One box marked "CANCELLATION RIGHTS" You do not have the right to cancel this agreement under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, unless we tell you otherwise in writing. Is this correct - or should they have afforded me cancellation rights?
  12. Hi Folks, Have attached agreement from Debenhams. This agreement was signed in store as a Store Card. It later became a Mastercard. Underneath the signatory block there is a "Right to Cancel" box. However, looking at the paragraph "INITIAL CREDIT", it states the right to cancel referred to in the box below will not apply to this agreement. I take it therefore that there is no right to cancel? Also, anyone with a sharp eye - could you scan over the agreement and see if any of the prescribed terms are missing? Thanks Debenhams-Agreement.doc
  13. Hi again, Having looked into this agreement the right to cancel is missing. However, I dont think that it is/was a cancellable agreement as there were no face to face meetings with the creditor or agent, the agreement was signed at my home and it does not fall into a restricted use agreement. Therefore, I assume all is correct and that it is enforceable?
  14. Hi Folks, I sent away for my original Credit Agreement from Tesco. All I got back was the original application form. I also received T&C but suspect they are the latest ones. Have attached docs but they are very hard to read. Please advise, thanks Tes_Doc1.doc Tes_Doc2.doc
  15. It looks like that Tesco have sent me the original application form and not any credit agreement. Any help appreciated
  16. Hi Folks, Just received my original agreement from Tesco Credit Cards. However, the terms and conditions that they sent with the original agreement are not the ones when I signed up. Are Tesco obliged to furnish original T&C as clearly I believe that the original T&C did not have the right to cancel. Thanks
  17. Sorry was too quick off the mark... will send letter. Thanks a million.
  18. The Data Protection Act Declaration was part of the first page just above the signature block. The way you have posted the documents is exactly right - terms and conditions on a separate sheet. Thanks for your help - if it is accepted that the right to cancel is missing does this mean that it was not a properly executed agreement and therefore not enforcable or does it mean that it is an illegal agreement?
  19. It was delivered express delivery for me to sign at home
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