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Everything posted by Pook_Pook

  1. My housemate had a letter from the Halifax this week saying they would be changing to this new £1 a day charge, I have the same type of account as him also from the Halifax so I was rather worried. I went into my local branch to enquire if this change would also effect me, sadly they confirmed it would as it will apply to all current accounts. I'm currently waiting for an ESA (Employment Support Allowance) claim to be processed & so for the last month I have had no income at all, over the last five years I have bounced between JSA and Incapacity Benefit when ever they decided I was "fit for work". I have a £850 overdraft with the bank and have been more or less at the limit for the last 5 years, this has been costing me about £8-9 a month. A £1 a day is a massive difference to me & I can't think of any way out of it. I spoke to a very nice lady in the bank and she did really seem to be trying to help, but sadly she couldn't come up with anything either. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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