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  1. well it continues, finally the landlord got a decent gas man round (over a week ago) who confirmed that 1/ boiler unsafe 2/ wiring unsafe 3/ piping wrong 4/ wall unsafe 5/ everything done wrong and unsafe now it's nearly 3 months with no hot water and an unsafe system, just asked when we might hope to have it fixed to be told that there is no day in sight yet… Well its not that cold yet but I was wondering if we might legally just get someone in to finish the job and pass the bill on … Boiler just about works but it's been condemned ….
  2. I have had the boiler installation condemned and a safety sticker slapped on it saying Unsafe installation do not use you could be fined £5000 if you use this boiler. Not only do I not have nor have I seen a gas safety certificate covering the installation I don't have one nor have seen one for the entire house. These people came round to do a gas safety check but just replaced the "Working" boiler…. No certificates I believe the fitters are indeed not qualified to fit a boiler and are not registered to fit boilers with gas safe. Not a problem for householders but illegal for a landlord to employ non gas safe engineers I believe.
  3. I have been informed that the fitters MUST be Gas safe registered to work on a rented property, it now appears that this is not the case. Further the landlord refuses to fill in the hole in the wall, Gas Safe tell me that since I pointed this out … on many occasions with a total refusal in writing (from landlord) to do anything about it that this is indeed breaking the law. I cannot have these same people in if they are not Gas Safe registered firstly it is illegal secondly they obviously do not know what they are doing. I have told the landlord this and still they refuse to do anything. This is not easy
  4. Well an update… Landlord not giving us the details of the people who fitted the boiler. Gas safe say the law has been broken if the fitters are not registered. If they are registered then leaving a hole in the wall is a serious matter. Landlord has broken the law by constantly ignoring our safety concerns. Landlord now not co operating, but still giving them a few more days to come up with details of the company that came in. Despite this we still want to reach an agreement nicely...
  5. Yes Yes I take your point, they were also abusive to my partner who felt quite threatened by them, the Landlord also thought we were being over sensitive, so now they will see were were not lying…. Yes good point.
  6. 5 days, this was after I pointed out all the safety issues to the landlord. The Gas engineer denied all the issues were safety issues & called me a trouble maker I believe. I now have one manufacturers report condemning the installation and one from Gas Safe. I don't think the Landlord will like being lied to he thought I was being over sensitive and cynical !
  7. Accept my apologies, I did not mean to be insulting. But you can see we are also trying to be very fair after having no heating for a month and a condemned boiler...
  8. OK, That sounds reasonable. So I will get Gas safe in Now I think… The installation has already been condemned buy the manufacturer… Get this, the installation "Gas Men" told the landlord that the hole in the wall was not their job, that it was not a safety issue and she would have to fill it in herself !!! at her own cost !!! The Manufacturer told me this is a MAJOR contravention of safety law and in all doubt they could not possibly "Gas Safe" registered as it was such a serious mistake they would lose their licence.
  9. Just did, The manufacturer came round under warrantee and gave it a 100% thumbs down, totally unsafe. They doubt the engineers are licensed and if they are they will most probably lose their licence.
  10. Are you trying to be a wind up ? Point 1/ if we had not got the manufacturer in we would not have the report to hand now… The boiler is not fitted safely, should we just accept the "Gas Men's" word that it is because they are the landlords "nominated supplier ?" Point 2/ How can they possibly get the same people back ? they have lied, cheated and contrveened every law and regulation. Point 3/ Quite patently it is irrelevant since I can now have these clowns out of a job, are they still to be let back in after that ?
  11. Our position is, the landlord is happy to have these people in no matter what, I am not happy. They worked in our home, that is good enough for me. Their relationship to me is this. If they are cowboys (and they are, since I have taken the time to get proof) then my children are not safe in this property while they have had a hand in fitting the boiler. Our landlord thinks these people are great, I knew they were not, if I had been listened too then I could trust that the landlord would do the right thing. I have spent time getting proof of the bad job done. I have an interest in this being done right and I do not abdicate responsibility for these things to anyone. So that is my position, wether it has any "Legal" definition is irrelevant as far as I am concerned. I want things done right and will endeavour to make sure that happens wether or not I "Legally" have to or not.
  12. I wanted to know my position that is all, that is why I asked "What is my position" that will help with any calm negotiations I will now have. It's not in anyones interest to take any action, apart that is to stop these cowboys from inflicting such dangerous and shoddy work on anyone else, which to be honest I can't be bothered with. We actually offered to have it fitted ourselves at our own expense, and did spend £200 on a second opinion before we got the manufacturer involved, so it's not the money I just knew they were bad news and wanted them out of our home. It's good to know where you stand but that does not mean you need to act on it, I can't be bothered with all of that and it's not nice, our landlord is actually quite nice and was taken in by these people.
  13. I have been told by the Boiler manufacturer to get a "Gas Safe Check" They have slapped an Un safe sticker on the boiler and given us a "Warning Notice" I think this is enough to keep the jokers out. There is one more thing and that is the "Gas Men" were also quite aggressive & abusive. Which we informed the Landlord about but the landlord chose to not listen to our complaints and forced us to have the same people back 2 more times… Now at least I have proof they are who i said they were, a couple of cowboys.
  14. I am not intending to pursue the landlord, why would I ? However the boiler has not worked for a month now.. I just don't want the "Gas Men " in again, however I think there is no chance of that as they have obviously broken every installation guideline / law there is...
  15. No, However the Boiler Manufacturer stated that he doubted they were and even if they were they would probably lose their licence over the job.
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