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  1. Thanks Dragon2020. Your answer was very informative and most useful I will wait until mid week next week and call again. I spoke to our accountant to make sure he gave me the correct figures to pass on and he assures me he has he said you have to give the the taxable profit and with it being a 100% investment allowance in the year and DH having spent quite a bit on machinery it was correct although it doesn't seem correct to us normal peeps. I just don't want to be owing them any money Thanks again, Hgirls
  2. Hi Murbay, I wish my Ex was like you. After 8 years of being seperated hes never paid a penny towards his son!!! He claims he earns between £5 - £100 per week yet he lives in a 4 bed detached house, his and her bathrooms and en suits oh and drives a porche and is the director of his own business. Come on, surely hes telling porkies to someone? The CSA system has that many faults its unbelieveable, it just takes the pee out of people like you who are willing to pay and takes the pee out of people like me when they ask me to provide them with evidence of his lifestyle! Why can't they just get on to Inland Revenue and look at his P60's for the last 8 years and they check out his dividens. I hope you get it sorted Hgirls
  3. Hi, Due to my DH being self employed we have to estimate his earnings and have the actual figures in by 31/01/10. I got a call from our accountant earlier this week to give us his earnings. It was a little more complicated this year as the gov decided due to the current situation they would be giving 100% investment allowance so any equipment bought in the year 08-09 you claim 100% agains tax. I'm not too sure how it all works!!! I called tax credits with his actual earnings and the computer wouldn't accept it? the gentleman on the phone said he would have to send it to the back office to input but not to worry it shouldn't hold anything up. I called the day after and it still hadn't been changed but the operator couldn't understand why it wouldn't update as its only ever been down as an estimated earning and not actual. I called again spoke to a lady this time who advised that she would send a fax off to the back office to try and get it sorted and i wasn't the only person so it could take some time????????? Has this happened to anyone else? How long does it take? I've never really had any problems before. Thanks if you've got this far. A very confused Hgirls
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