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Posts posted by ZENTRIX9

  1. Hi, hope this is the right place.


    I supplied some finished goods to a trade customer, they had a bit of a disagreement over postage costs so they now get the goods collected.

    It looks like they have stopped placing orders since the end of December and the invoices outstanding are being postponed as there may be "queries".

    I email delivery notes so they can check the goods sent and have not had any queries for a few months until I chase payment.

    All invoices show 7 days after delivery the payment is due. They are a minimum of 2 months overdue. All outstanding invoices should have been paid by the end of December.

    On every invoice this phrase is present "All goods remain the property of "############" until they are paid for in full" 


    My question is can I visit them at their property and reclaim my goods?

    or at somewhere they may be exhibiting the goods for sale?


    What are my options?


    I would rather get the goods back than wait for payment.


    Also if the goods on the invoice are not all there can I take other goods that I have supplied to the same value?

  2. Yes I offered stock/machinery in proportion to the money loaned to me by my mother. But this was at least 2 years ago, and I didn't owe HMRC much at all, the only money I owed anyone was myself and my mother, I always pay for goods with the order.

  3. Hi, I want to close my Ltd business with the least hassle.

    I have injected over 100k of money into the business over the last few years but with the combination of, Brexit and a retail shop that didn't work out I can't carry on.

    I owe HMRC about 20,000 and myself over 100k which was not just mine but family members.

    I stopped trading around 12 months ago and have traded as a sole trader since then and am doing much better.

    I had my accounts done up to the end of March 2019

    As I paid in any money to help the business I signed over machinery and stock etc to my mother as some of the money was hers. I did this so she would not lose out, I need to know if this is legal as I am going to get a visit from HMRC.

    I would like to go down the dissolution road if possible does anyone have any advise they can help me with this matter.


    Many thanks


  4. Thanks for all the help.


    One last question, my uncle and myself have joint and several power of attorney for Health and Welfare and also property and financial affairs for my mother who has Alzheimers and lacks capacity, she no longer knows us.


    Can I purchase my mothers house with the proceeds of my house sale to free up her money to pay for her care fees.

    Will I have to apply to the court of protection to sell it or can we just go ahead with the sale.

    I have had 3 valuations done by 3 different estate agents and my uncle would in theory organize the sale to myself.

    All done with solicitors and above board.



  5. Thanks for the info.


    We have a buyer and the conveyancing has started However..........


    Our conveyancer thinks that we have to let Cabot know about the sale, he also says that the conveyancers dealing with the purchase of my house will want to know if there are any restrictions and assurances they will be sorted before the sale goes through.


    Has anyone got anything I can send them in legal terms to sort them out? I have told them I DO NOT want Cabot informed of the sale.


    They have been told that they do not have to inform Cabot until the sale goes through and then the restriction will become null and void






  6. 27 minutes ago, ZENTRIX9 said:

    Hi, back in Nov 2012 we got a charging order, done sneakily by Mortimer Clarke at  Kings Lynn and I am near Stafford!

    Since them I have paid off the Mortgage, the house is jointly owned and the charging order is on my wifes half.

    The house we are buying I don't need a mortgage.


    Can I sell my property without paying it off?



    This is the wording on HM Land Registry.


    This register specifies the class of title and
    identifies the owner. It contains any entries that
    affect the right of disposal.
    Title absolute
    2 (26.11.2012) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate,
    other than a disposition by the proprietor of any registered charge
    registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered
    without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or their
    conveyancer that written notice of the disposition was given to Cabot
    Financial (UK) Limited (Co. Reg. No 03757424) at care of Mortimer
    Clarke Solicitors, 16-22 Grafton Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1QP,
    being the person with the benefit of an interim charging order on the
    beneficial interest of XXXXXXX made by the King's Lynn County
    Court on XXX November 2012 (Court reference XXXXXX).



    Protection by restriction
    The level of protection offered by a charging order will entirely depend upon the form of restriction entered against title to the property.


    The standard form of restriction entered upon obtaining an interim charging order (form K) merely provides that no disposition of the property “is to be registered without a certificate … that written notice of the disposition was given” to the creditor with the benefit of the charging order.


    There is no requirement for notice to be provided in advance of the disposition (or before the sale proceeds are paid) so that the creditor can obtain an undertaking that their debt will be paid before completion monies change hands.


    Therefore, it is possible for a judgment creditor to be notified of a sale after completion and, if they do not react quickly enough, the transfer of the property will be registered (and their restriction removed) without receiving payment under their charging order.


    In such circumstances, the judgment creditor will lose the benefit of their security and rank as an unsecured creditor of the seller.

  7. Hi, back in Nov 2012 we got a charging order, done sneakily by Mortimer Clarke at  Kings Lynn and I am near Stafford!

    Since them I have paid off the Mortgage, the house is jointly owned and the charging order is on my wifes half.

    The house we are buying I don't need a mortgage.


    Can I sell my property without paying it off?



    This is the wording on HM Land Registry.


    This register specifies the class of title and
    identifies the owner. It contains any entries that
    affect the right of disposal.
    Title absolute
    2 (26.11.2012) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate,
    other than a disposition by the proprietor of any registered charge
    registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered
    without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or their
    conveyancer that written notice of the disposition was given to Cabot
    Financial (UK) Limited (Co. Reg. No 03757424) at care of Mortimer
    Clarke Solicitors, 16-22 Grafton Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1QP,
    being the person with the benefit of an interim charging order on the
    beneficial interest of XXXXXXX made by the King's Lynn County
    Court on XXX November 2012 (Court reference XXXXXX).

  8. The person I am sending the letter to lives in a motorhome on a farm and they have a unit there, technically they shouldn't live there but they do. The business trading address before they went LTD is the same address. They don't have a house although on their Ltd registration at companies house they have a different address which is way up north so I know they don't live there but may own the house or its a parents house.

    Do I send the letter to the address they were using when they bought the goods from me, I know they will get it if I do.

  9. I sent an email asking if I would be getting any payments, they replied saying it depends on if they sell anything up to Xmas.


    I replied to them, included in the email below sent 27th November


    "There comes a point where I have to put you on stop and we have just reached it, I didn't want it to come to this but I can't see any other way around it. I cannot supply you any more until the debt is cleared.

    I need you to come up with a proposed payment plan that you can stick to otherwise I will have to start looking at recovering the amount owed.


    Sorry XXXXXX, I have supported you as long as I can but the amount you now owe me is having an effect on my business and I cannot let it go on any longer."


    I have asked in emails again and got can I have a few more days, after 4 days I asked again and got "working on it" This is over a period of 2 weeks


    That's it now they have had a chance to sort things out, I need to send a LBA, can I send it by email or do I need to send it by recorded delivery or does the email I sent count?

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