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  1. hi, I am wondering if anybody could help me...I joined Roko over 2 years ago and paid with no problem my DD every month. My husband wanted to join in June so I added him on. They made me sign a new 12months contract (even though I hadnt finished the 2 nd year). My husband 's job got relocated away so within 14 days I informed them and they said it wasnt possible to cancel now! This month I have contacted them as I am now pregnant and have been told by my GP that I cant exercise due to health issues.He wrote a letter to them and also I am going to work abroad. So i assumed that was plenty of reasons for them to understand that i wanted to cancel my membership. I received a letter saying that I had to pay the amount owed (over £900 for the year to finish!!!!) and they wont negociate or compromise. They have threatened me already with debt collectors and court....I am feeling really stressed out, dont need this right now.... Anybody has any advice please??? It would be greatly appreciated... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
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