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Posts posted by cornz

  1. In the UK, it has always been illegal to make a copy of a tape, record, cd, dvd, computer game etc etc.

    Tecnically, video recorders were illegal but there was some leeway given.

    Of course, copying a cd for your brother wasn't the same as making a copy then flogging them at a car boot, but it was and still is illegal to do.

    The 'merkins have a better system, you are allowed to make a copy for "fair use" but even that is difficult given the stupid DRM system and copy protection technologies included on nearly all forms of digital media...

    They may have struck a good balance here but without legitimate systems to remove DRM, its as much trouble as its always been.

    Besides, its not difficult to circumvent the most advanced DRM if you know where to look.....

  2. Nice, But ... did you not admit the debt by saying how it occured.. you also refused to give your address at the beginning but then at the end confirmed they are sending letters to the right address lol... so they know for sure where you are now anyhow LOL


    I had these jokers send me a letter the same as yours, I called them in a craddy mood and let them have it double barrel ... ! I asked for proof of debt, and for their registered office address etc. ... because I refused to go through security, which they tried to tell me "I had to by law"... they refused to give me the company's details ! saying its a breach of the DPA ! lol JOKERS !


    Yeah i know but i dont really give a toss. They can keep em coming and i'll keep winding em up. My goal is to cost em more in admin and hassle chasing me than the value of the debt.

    Then i'll offer some derisory offer of a pound a week and that they must send a payment form, which i shall post, with no stamp. I'll cost em thousands!!!!!!

  3. I've just spoken to them and recorded the entire conversation.It basically just de-stresses me to wind these twunts up.

    The silence at the beginning is me after deleting my reference numbers.

    So, there we go.


    did drop a bit of a clanger, i miss read the date of the letter and told him it was the 21/10/09, it was actually 2/10/09.

    Still, dropped a spanner in their works.

    Oh, and course, #31# from a mobile or 141 from a landline to stop CLID before calling them and dont give them any details.



    You should be aware that they will put a default on your credit file. Though I'm not sure if you even have one when you're under 18. Hopefully someone else will be able to advise about that.



    Can they do this? in a previous life, i was dealing with NCO as i had/have a dispute with paypal, when i questioned NCO about this (NCO were paypals old DCA) they told me they couldnt affect your credit rating unless they took you to court and you defaulted.

  5. I too have had one this morning, oddly much the same circumstances except the phone i got back was different from the one i sent. I think PP have changed their DCA as it wasnt this bunch of muppets.


    It was NCO.

    i guess they are about as powerless as each other and depend on scare tactics.

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