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Everything posted by bearclaire

  1. Hi to you all.. Excellent forum. I have a been sent a Notice Of Default on a debt to a credit card. I am in the process of moving and informing them of this change of address. My question is which address do they legally have to send any further correspondence, court papers or debt collection agencys info too? Because they have served me the default notice does it have to be my old address? Many Thanks
  2. Well the agreement they have sent me above is their second one. The first was just a reconstituted copy of nothing really with no signitures etc. I then sent them a second letter stating that my account was still in dispute untill they sent the document required and the one above turned up.. Not to sure if it seems enorfoceable or not or what sort of letter to send next.. Any help would be appreciated as I want to keep this going if possible.
  3. I Have now recieved the letter below. Could anyone take a look at it and see if its enforceable plz. There is no date on my signiture.:-? No signiture from the bank that I can see and letter 3 is on the reverse of letter 2 ?? Are there any letters that might be good enough for a reply in answer to this or is my road comming to an end?? Letter 001.pdf Letter 002.pdf Letter 003.pdf
  4. Hi There I had a letter from the Halifax after opening their Easycash account saying I had to produce Id of all sorts inc bills etc to my local branch. I did this and heard the woman who was on the phone say there was a T.R.I on my account? Anyone know what this might be?
  5. Hi There. I am a new member here but have been reading the forums for ages now. I have a Hfx credit card with approx £6,000 on and for the last 4 yrs have just been paying the interest in minimum amounts. Sent the Hfx a CCA using the template on here and got the following reply? Hfx Reply 01.doc I am sure this can't be right so what do you think my next letter should be? Found this template somwhere would this be ok or should I send more requests first? Poss Reply.doc Any help appreciated.
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