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Posts posted by n11186

  1. Translation: I work for Talk Talk.
    And i thought you worked with scooby doo :-D never mind only joking m8 but why are you getting so high rate over my choice or your choice of isp? or any one else come to that, just take a big deep breath and chill we are all here to help each other not argue against each other.
  2. Not true, I was previously the Customer of an ISP who were bought by Tiscali and Tiscali then by Talk Talk in May 08. ACS accuse me of supposedly infinging copyright sometime on a date after May 08. This is after Talk Talk took them over yet my supposed details have been given to them??
    Yes this is true thats why i think Tiscali cashed in befor TalkTalk took over.
  3. I'm fully aware Talk Talk didn't comply. Who is to say it wasn't a one off and in future they will?


    Who is to say the ISP you left wont stitch you up by adding your IP to the list next time the court order comes along?

    If only i could see into the future, you have a great gift m8, Any chance of next weeks lottery numbers? PS the ISP i left doesn't exist anymore end of Tiscali is now TalkTalk. But hey you stick with whatever isp you wish to stop with and i will do the same.
  4. HHmm..The above link about Talk Talk is very interesting although its not 100% clear that ACS Law didnt chase them (in fact Tiscalli) because they didnt roll over and hand over their customers details (like the other ISP's did).


    Lets face it though, I think it won't be too long before this sorry saga will be bought to an end one way or another, unfortunatly Mr Crossley will be rolling in the money he has received from this dubious process.



    I was with Tiscali when the take over happend and i got a claim from ACS, and i also was going to leave but it was took over by TalkTalk and because TalkTalk thought more of its customers i decided to stay with them, so it looks like Tiscali screwed its loyal customers befor TalkTalk took over.
  5. I sent a LOD to Tilly Bailey Irvine iwthin 14 days as stipulated. A week later I still had no reply. I took some advice from Which computing who are also onto this issue. They said to follow it up witha phone call and I spoke directly to the woman responsible for the letter in the first place. She said that a LOD prompts further investigation and apprently my ISP address was spotted downloading/doing sttuff (I dont really understand the jargon) 829 times within a two week period last July. I dont have a clue what this means but I pointed out to her it sounds outrageous and that the computer is just a family computer used mainly by my four young kids? She said I will be receivinga letter asking me to name any other adult who might be responsible- have been not sleeping since. Just want it to go away. Incidentally two of the days we definately werent home. Also had not ever downloaded internet security naively. Need help
    When i got my letter in june of last year i was S*ITING bricks i blasterd the kids, me and the wife was arguing etc etc. The kids told me they sweard down it was not them, and the wife could not turn a P.C on so after a few days i sat and worked the days out, and we was on our hols at the time of there accusation, so then i sent a letter of denial and told them it was NOT me or my family and asked them to give me more evidence, BUT they faild they just sent more crap saying my I.P address was the infringer bla bla bla, then they sent me a new claim wanting less money, and i just keept telling them if they think there evidence is so fool proof TAKE ME TO COURT but still to this day about 7 month on NOTHINK, and im still waiting and still willing to go to court and if my day comes i will bring all the big boys with me the media. So stop worrying m8 life is to short.
  6. thanks for that -will send lod-just wish they were soemhow stopped from putting us lowly individuals through this- it is quite scary when you have a job,family (4 young children) and house to consider in allof this
    If you have a mortgage m8 its not your home its the mortgage lenders home and i dont think they will give any part of it away without a fight, dont worry m8 its just a matter of time untill they come to a sticky end.
  7. Just a thought, but I'd advise anyone going to their Doctors claiming stress unless they are 100% genuine. For some life insurances, etc, you may find the premium going up somewhat or being refused, etc, if your medical record states you have been treated under a Doctor for stress.


    Am not going to disclose how I know this for obvious reasons (this is a public forum, if you can read it so can ACS!), but food for thought.

    Thanks for the advice scooby doo i will put that in my claim to ACS they can also pay my higher insurance premiums. WERE THERS BLAIM ;
  8. I would like to make a promise to all cagers if i have a big win on the lottery i will get the best legal team money could buy and i will take Crossley and ACS to court and seek damages from them and donate all court claim money to charity(after my winning claim)


    1) Putting a stigma on my good name saying i listen to Scooter


    2) Causing family breakdown @ loss of work


    3) Causing depression suicidal-thoughts and harassment alarm and distress


    And unlike his evidence i can prove my evidence, i can prove i was on my hollidays at the time of his allegation, i have holliday receipts credit card receipts etc , so if you have sufferd any of the above go to your local GP with this letter from ACS and tell him how you feel and whats brought your symptoms on, all the info you give will go down on record and who no,s if any cager wins the big one you to can have your day. I AWAIT MY COURT DATE :D

  9. An interesting article here about ISP's lying on their backs and handing our information over without hesitation. I still believe that it's time to hit ISP's where it hurts - their pockets.


    Neutralize UK File-Sharing Legal Threats – Join TalkTalk | TorrentFreak


    On a lighter(ish) note: linked from slyck.com:-



    I sent my second LOD months ago and have heard nothing since. Though this does nothing for me but makes me worry every-time the postman comes. This is what ACS want though, people to panic and worry; which is pretty sick tbh. It's a good job my wife has a sense of humour or I would be in court right now - the divorce court. Not for being accused of illegally downloading but for being accused of downloading gay porn LMFAO!:eek: On a more serious note though I wonder how many marriages Mr Crossley has put under great strain from poor husbands accused of downloading gay porn. Maybe he should be taken to court for family breakdowns over this dirty, rotten ugly scheme he has going.:-x

    I tell you what this crossley wants is a bit rough justice, After reading the link in your post about Talk-Talk this i carnt get my head round, becouse i was with Tiscali and have been for years then Talk Talk took over but i now have a letter of claim from ACS and await my fait, so it looks like Tiscali:-x has screwed its loyal customers big time B4 TALK-TALK took over
  10. Its now finaly all coming together,:D ACS-And DL will be brought to justic its just a matter of time when Crosley and his puppets are in the hot seat getting a grilling of the media, about his big fraud [problem] and lets hope him and his employees end up in the dock at a CROWN COURT and all get a stretch in prison, if i was employed by this man i would now be seriously thinking of deflecting to the right side of the law, before the law catches up on his [problem], and all them getting prosecuted for aid-and-abetting. He will proberleys end up doing a Rony Biggs and buzz of to Mexico with his bag of money and leave his emloyees to take the flack.

  11. Very many thanks for all the replies and advice chaps - HUGELY appreciated, as I'm sure you can imagine.


    Along with the Letter of Denial, and intent to defend, I will also be emailing the House of Lords, our local MP and the SRA.


    What I find most distressing, out of this whole situation is that - as she is pretty much confined to the house, week-in, week-out, my wife uses the Internet connection to keep in touch with friends, and to shop...and now she is talking about getting rid of the net, as she is so frightened of the repercussions of this :mad:


    Thanks once again for all your help guys - it's good know we're not alone :)



    Welcome Rob M8 you have a name what ACSs Cancer Crossley would gladdley like to use or should i say SHOULD use as his tital ROB=INNOCENT PEOPLE BLINDE

    Anyway m8 dont worry there is thousands of innocent people out there all in the same boat, and its just a matter of time B4 the law gets a grip of ACS and brings this to a end.

  12. Just got this info from another forum THANKS [from bbc today]



    Ministers in copyright concession

    Ministers have given a concession over what critics claimed were "draconian" powers which would enable them to crack down on online copyright infringement.


    A clause in the Digital Economy Bill would have allowed ministers to amend existing laws on online piracy without the need for further legislation.


    Google and Facebook were among firms to complain about the measure, saying it would hamper digital innovation.


    Officials said they were "refining" the proposals after heeding concerns.


    'Reserve powers'


    Critics said the proposed powers were disproportionate and would damage one of the UK's fast-growing industries.


    Section 17 of the bill, which has attracted the most anger, would give ministers "reserve powers" to draft fresh laws to tackle net-based copyright infringement without needing parliamentary approval.


    Ministers argued that such powers were needed to support copyright laws against future, more technically advanced forms of piracy.


    But Conservative and Lib Dem peers had both threatened to vote against the measure when it is considered next in the House of Lords.


    In response, the government has tabled several amendments.


    These would mean existing copyright laws could only be amended by statute if they was a "significant" new threat of infringement and would provide for more parliamentary scrutiny before this happened.




    The bent Department for Business said it was not "backing away" from the controversial clause and its core objectives but had listened to concerns about how it was being targeted.


    "The Government remains squarely behind the aims of clause 17," a spokesman said.


    "We have tabled a series of amendments which aim to clarify the breadth and scope of the clause and further reinforce the transparency of the process and the scrutiny of Parliament."


    Separate proposals in the bill to disconnect so-called peer to peer file-sharers continue to cause concern among internet campaigners.


    More than 30,000 people have signed a petition on the No 10 website saying the measure would penalise innocent people, arguing that persistent pirates would simply hack into other people's accounts.


    Ministers insist people would only have their net connections slowed down or suspended as a last result and not before their cases were first considered by a tribunal.


    The Internet Service Providers Association (ISPA) has accused the government of focusing unduly on enforcement rather than making it easier for people to download content legally.

  13. http://i830.photobucket.com/albums/zz230/jonholt/acs.jpg for all the non believers finally got it scanned :)
    Sorry m8 i eat my words, but if this ACS dog end pack of leeches think i will accept his grovel letter he can kiss my ass, im so angree i could not accept it and would tell him to stick it up his ass.:-x:-x:-x
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