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Everything posted by omniflex

  1. The wealth of info on this forum is superb where have you been all my life! Yeah I think you are right Disgruntled Employee, I am going to email them so I have some evidence they have received it. I will give them a little time before complaining just so I have something more substantial to go to the OFT etc with as evidence of their behaviour. I fully expect them to ignore my email and then start their demands at which point I have a valid complaint to register against them. I usually find the Ombudsman etc won't get involved until you have tried to resolve the issue with the company first. I will just go down that road for the sake of procedure as it seems a forgone conclusion they will not be reasonable. I can only assume with this level of short termism the government expect to lose the next election and are making the job as hard as possible for the next guys. Makes you wonder if democracy works at all... we still get bent over the barrel, only now we have to fill out thousands of forms for the privilege.
  2. Hi, I am new stumbled onto this thread: by the looks of it I will have something to add to the anti-thesis campaign pretty soon. I just found out Thesis have one of my student loans too from 1996. They sent me a letter saying my deferment was due to end in 8 days. First I heard of their existence. I called them [smelt a rat straight away] and explained I had applied for deferement with SLC. The guy said oh thats fine then they should contact us.. Why are they asking for deferment if SLC handle it I thought. So I called the SLC they went from having no knowledge of thesis to that is someone we work with to they have nothing to do with us as I asked the usual questions. I did manage to speak to a guy in repayments who explained to me what the government have done [sickening]. He told me that the SLC handle deferments and Thesis handle "accounting" so why are Thesis sending me letters out about deferment? He had no answer to that. All he said was that he had both my loans on the system and they had received the application for deferment but it usually only goes through 3-4 days before expiry of the previous deferal. Going from what you guys have said about Thesis I am expecting them to contact me soon claiming I haven't defered and am due to pay DD instruction demands etc etc. Obviously they will deny the previous phone call advising me that it would be handled by the SLC. I am thinking of writing pre-emptively asking them to provide me with a copy of the credit agreement and proof of my liability to them. I don't want to make a deferment to them as in my eyes that indicates an acceptance to contract with them [Am I right in thinking this?]. If I question their letter as an offer to contract asking them to prove their claim against me and they can't produce the documentaion what happens then? Will they write it off? Don't get me wrong I am not trying to avoid paying per se just avoid paying to crooks. It looks to me that the OFT need to get onto this "trading style" [whatever that is] that Thesis claim to be if I can be a part of that I will.
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