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Everything posted by kirkee

  1. Hi, I work for a cargo airline and over the last 8 months we have been paid late, my pay date is the 25 of every month as written in my contract, i am not on my own in this as all of my collegues are in the same boat baring the flight crews, these so what i have heard have not been paid since last november but they are part of a different department. We had a new company owner over a year ago and he wanted to see some financial cuts before he was willing to invest a very large sum of money,from this came a 20% pay cut linked to flying hours e.g less hours flown then we would have anything up to a 20% cut in wages basically overnight no discussion with any of the employees at all,we were threatened take it or when the new contracts come out you wont have one! and that if anyone was thinking of taking legal action that our new investor would walk away from the company and it would fold. That was early last year, now in 2010 and noboby has seen or recieved a new contract in this case does my original contract still apply. As you can imagine we have moved all personal DDm's several times as the dates that they say that we are going to be paid by all we get is a load of "may be paid by"and we get nothing for definate usually less that 24 hours notice of the new pay date that our pay actually turns up and now to add insult to injury people who have an agreement for a percentage of thier monthly salary to go into a pension this was also not paid by the company and another although this is a rumour at the mo the company may not have been paying our NI but still deducting it from our wages. Any help will be much appreciated.
  2. My house was reposessed in 1992/3 it was sold for less than the amount of the mortgage leaving a shortfall of £20K. I was on benefits at the time and agreed to a payment of £5 per month (not a lot I know) and paid it faithfully up until 12 months ago when I missed a payment. The debt was sold on to Pheonix Recoveries and they have asked Asset Recoveries Ltd to recover the debt. After a telephone conversation they agreed that I continued to pay the £5 each month. but they are now saying that this agreement was for 6 months and they are asking for proof of my earnings, also bank statements, utility bills, proof of income and proof of any other debts I owe. They have sent me forms to fill in but I feel very uncomfortable giving out that much information about myself. They are now threatening to charge interest on the debt. Can you tell me what my legal rights are and how to respond to them They are also threatening court action. I would be most grateful for any help you can give me.
  3. Hi could you give me some help. My house was reposessed in 1992/3 it was sold for less than the amount of the mortgage leaving a shortfall of £20K. I was on benefits at the time and agreed to a payment of £5 per month (not a lot I know) and paid it faithfully up until 12 months ago when I missed a payment. The debt was sold on to Pheonix recoveries and they have asked Asset Recoveries Ltd to recover the debt. I have continued to pay the £5 each month but they are now wanting proof of my earnings, also bank statements, utility bills, proof of income and proof of any other debts I owe. They have sent me forms to fill in but I feel very uncomfortable giving out that much information about myself. They are now threatening to charge interest on the debt. Can you tell me what my legal rights are and how to respond to them
  4. I am Totally new to this Forum and i would like some advice please. I won't name any companies as they might read these threads and i don't want to compramise my chances of legal action against them,Basically this debt collecting company(and they are using a call centre from india) has been phoning me both on my mobile and my company mobile for nearly a month now and recently they have started texting me after they have called.The first time they called me i answered the call and the person on the other end was firstly very hard to understand and as the conversation carried on he became forcefull and demmanding that i pay them with a card there and then, i explained to him i work away from home and had no way of making a payment then and there,he went on to say that he would call later when i arrived home in order for me to pay. I later sent a letter to then informimg them that i was in financial difficulty due to my employer imposing a 20% cut in my salary and i also gave them an option that i would make a monthly payment of £x and telling them to stop phoning me as this is causing serious stress. They are still phoning me and due to my work environment mobile phones are banned unless they are company ones because i airside at an airport. Can i do anything to stop this nightmare that could in a worst case senario lead to me being sacked for breach of avaition legislation. Many Thanks Kirkee
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