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  1. So I wo'nt get any black mark on credit scoring?
  2. Re:- Recent posts 8/9/09 poped into the CAB about this issue as I had made this appointment befor I posted, they suggested contacting this private company stating my reasons/case for not paying and also there is a record of me making contact and explaining this situation. They also said I could inherit a ccj along the way, can these lovely people do this?, coz long term this could be bad news. Regards Robot-B9-032
  3. Yes private property ok and i'm doing maintanence at this place and along come Dumb & Dumber and clag me with this ticket. No I am not paying but say worse case senario then they could have £1.00 weekly installments to be collected from my address with a receipt for my accounts this sounds reasonable to me!!! (an awful lot of visits/time).
  4. Hi, it could of been the owner or tennant of the flat 1 at the time that had this bay, so once they move then the disabled logo is not valid? they have taken photo's or so they say as evidence.
  5. Hi, parked in a disabled bay in a private car park belonging to the flats I was maintaining with permitts but not a disabled one , the person who has this bay has no car and is'nt disabled (previous tennant) and other people use it willy/nilly, all other bays are allocated with not one visitors bay so where ever I parked I was wrong. Got a ticket for £60 to start with then it increases the more u delay they only take credit/debit with a 5% charge on a 0870 or postal order to a PO box. I'm not paying however have they a case? Many Thanks.
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