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  1. having a loan declined by HSBC countless times.... and then emailing the Managing director, and having it approved within a few days. *Sigh of relief*
  2. Hi Johnnymitch, Thanks a lot for your reply! However, unfortunately the 'resourse' links you have provided don't seem to work? Also, in regards to sending a SAR - seeing as I have only been with them for 2 years, and believe I can see all charges that have been made through my internet banking statements - is it necessary to send one? Or should I just continue with sending the preliminary letter? Finally, do you know of any way I can stop the iminent £150 due on the 23rd? - Or do you think they would even be willing to either move the charge 2 days (until payday)... or even spread the cost over 2 months? Or would I be wasting my time asking such things? I greatly appreciate your time in replying. Josh
  3. Hi, I have looked through the forums, and found them very helpful. Although... I was hoping to get some clear advise on the first steps of reclaiming bank charges. I have been with HSBC for around 2 years, and sorry to say have exceeded my overdraft quite a few times (of which a £25 fee is charged for every transaction). I have only just found that there is a way I can reclaim this - after researching having found a "charges are due to be applied to this account" - which is £153 (inc. interest) from the period July - Sep. With the pending test case - am I likely to be able to claim any of it back?? Or at least scare the bank into stopping this charge which is due on the 23rd Sep.? I look forward to receiving your comments!
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