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Posts posted by iana

  1. I have been having a problem with Lloyds TSB over mis-selling of PPI


    this has involved

    numerous letter to them and complaints

    which as to be expected are all unfounded as far as they are concerned


    However they did claim that the mis-selling of the PPI would be investigated and I would be contacted by the office dealing.


    I have had no reply to this or anything else from Lloyds TSB since June 2011 apart from a letter stating that the matter is being handled by Wescot Credit Services.


    I have now started to receive letters from them

    the most recent being that they will visit my address,


    this does not particularly worry me as I have informed them they will have one chance to walk off my property.


    I find it difficult to understand why Lloyds TSB have handed this to them

    and would you think that they have sold this debt to Westcot

  2. I am also now receiving letters from Graham White Solicitors and Mr Michael SORBELL. I have previously had the statutoiry letters from Roxburghe.

    In this letter he quotes Civil Procedure Rules 31.6

    I have read a vast number of threads on this and other sites.

    However one thing that does concern me is that in some there is a suggestion that

    (a) The company is not a legitimate business and a front for Roxburghe

    (b) The man Sobell may not/is not a solicitor


    Can anyone confirm if this is correct and do I still keep ignoring the letters



  3. I have also just had a letter from ROXBURGHE they having sent out the standard letter in relation to an unpaid parking notice and in this letter they have quoted Watteau v Fenwick (1983) a case which relates to owners and agents. (Nothing to do with Parking Enforcement} They say (Roxburghe) that in principle given the facts of that case that the Registered Keeper is responsible for the actions of the agent i.e. the driver and therefore again in principle and in the event of non disclosure the registered owner is liable for the charges. This is not withstanding that when you read other sites in relation to this case they in the main say it was a load of tosh and should have been thrown out but as yet it has not.

    In the same post I had a letter stating they were passing my info to their solocitor Graham White if I did not pay.

  4. Hi hope someone can help


    I have an ongoing proplem with Lloyds TSB over a loan and PPI.


    In the region of 5 years ago I began to have problems with my hands wrists and shoulder which resulted in several operations and I was unable to work.

    This is still the position.


    I continued to make payments however things became difficult and I made contact with Lloyds TSB to explain the situation and was made aware that I had PPI.


    I at this time had no idea that this was in position and as a result of a conversation with the bank began to claim for my time off work.

    This continued for three years and ended in February 2010 when I was told that payments would stop.


    However I was still undergoing further operations and was unable to work.


    I then began to get letters from the bank and each and every month I wrote them a letter asking them to make contact with me in order to discuss the matter

    and I had no response from them from February 2010 until November 2010 when contact was made and


    I made an appointment to see my banking advisor who after a short discussion said that my papers would be sent to various departments for them to investigate the matter.

    All of the previous letters were either sent recorded delivery or hand delivered against signature.

    She was made fully aware that at that time I was still unable to work and would not be able to work in the near future.


    I then heard nothing for weeks and weeks and then various letter arrived from Wales and Bristol stating that their office was investigating etc etc etc.

    It culminated in a latter in July 2011 stating that this whole episode was not there fault and that I was frightened to go into the bank to see the advisor

    and if I did not respond to the letter they would view the matter as finished.


    A reply was sent which again received no response from anyone but in January 2012

    I was sent a letter by Wescot Debt Collectors who I am sure you will know, demanding monies I owe to Lloyds Bank.


    I replied to them stating that I would afford them one reply and that I would not be paying any money to them or their client until the matter had been investigated in a proper manner.


    I then received a second letter which, against what I had said above,

    and I responded to it reiterating what I had said in my previous letter that I would not pay them any money at all

    and I also informed them that contrary to what they had said the matter was in dispute.


    I have now had another leter stating that they will investigate this matter and they will be contacting there client and ME for further information.


    Although it is long winded my main question at this stage is

    ' Do I have to assist Wescot' a debt collection agency at all.

    I also find it strange that Lloyds TSB have sent this matter to a debt collecting agency.

  5. Some advice if possible please I will try to be brief:

    I had a loan that was taken out in 2006 unfortunately after about 15 months I became sick and struggled to keep up the payments and telephoned the bank to inform them of that. At this point I was informed that I had sickness cover and should send the details off which I did. I have had several operations on my hands and wrists and at the present am waiting for an operation on my shoulder. The payments for my sickness continued until February of this year when they came to a halt as a three year period was up and the insurers stated that was all they were required to pay. As a result of this I contacted Lloyds TSB via letter and asked about the insurance plan. I asked the specific question as to if I had purchased the insurance plan why would I purchase insurance cover on a loan for 3years when the loan lasted 5 years. This letter was sent in February of this year. To date I have sent a letter every four weeks to Lloyds TSB, my local branch,and in recent months a copy also to the address on bank statements that I receive. Last week I telephoned Lloyds Bank and was assured that a message would be passed to the two person who I have had dealings with at the bank in the past and was also informed that my message would be passed onto someone in a higher position and that the call would be treated as a complaint. I was told that I would be contacted with three hours of the bank opening i.e. before 12 mid day. Nothing was heard and I have again telephoned leaving the same message, tonight, and also that if i do not receive some sort of response I will make no further ciontact with Lloyds TSB. The loan was for about 15,000 some of which must have been, I now know PPI, and there is £4000 left to pay. When the operation on my shoulder is done I will have still have another 13 weeks on the sick and insufficient income to meet the loan. Any advice please

  6. Morning all.

    I had a conversation with a guy who stated he was from the accounts department at a local office of Welcome in the Midlands. He had called on my son who has a loan with them for a vehicle. This man had no ID and said that he had left it in his car. Having told him what I did for a living he scuttered off as I said I wanted to see some. He then bought back a receipt book as a proof of his ID.

    I asked him what he wanted and he claimed that the reason he had called was to get my son to sign a piece of paper informing Welcome Finance of a change of address. My son was advised not to sign it and I enquired why that needed to be signed as it was apparent that Welcome new his address as he was stood in the property.

    My son wants rid of the car and also Welcome Finance and this was put to this man who stated that he was taking his company hat off to advise my son.

    He stated that Welcome Finance are in trouble and that the company will fold however, he claim they will continue to trade and attempt to claw back any monies owed. He is of the opinion that this will continue for the next two years.

    I put it to him that he had bought my sons loan and he claimed that he had not.

    He then stated that my son owed about £7000 and if he was to get that loan sum below £5000 by perhaps selling the car it would be unlikely that Welcome Finance would chase the loan because of the situation they are in.

    We left it that my son and I would discuss it and make contact.

    The one thing that I forgot to mention to him was that I had my company hat ON and recorded all ofthe conversation.

  7. re the above threads I had a a parking notice from G24 last year. The first one explained that I had parked in there car park exceeding the time stay. They offered the fact that if I payed the fine then that would be the end of it however if I failed and did not pay with 14 days it would increase to about ninety something pounds.

    They enclosed a copy of a photograph of my car showing the registered number and stated that I had been in the car park for about 4hours.

    Having reaf all the info on the company I ignored the letters until I had one from them threatening Debt Collectors.

    In view of that I wrote to them informing them that the contract for the parking of the vehicle in that car park was with the DRIVER and NOT the registered keeper and that I as the registered keeper was only obliged to supply certain people with the details of the driver at a particular time and that G24 WAS NOT one of those people. I also added that if they continue to write to me I would take that as a form of harassment and I would consult my solicitor should it continue. As a final message they were informed that should they send any form of debt collector to my property they would be directed to the foot path as I would not want them on my property useing sufficient force as required.

    I have not heard from them since.

    There are a number of threads in relation to this company and templates of letters that can be sent.

    I would send only one letter and thats it:grin:

  8. Hi all


    Not 10 minutes ago I had a delightful man on my doorstep who said he was from Welcome Finance looking for my son who fortunately gave my address when he took out an agreement for either a car loan or an HP agreement. This is in dispute at the moment.

    I had a great deal of pleasure in telling him one or two fact of life and also he has got as much chance of me telling him where my son is as Gordon Brown winning the next election. I found him to be a reasonable man mind you he was faced with 6' 2" of pure muscle (Well I think I am) and when faced with the decision of my drive or the footpath in one easy movement, he thought about it for one second, and as he ran off up the road was shouting 'We will take the car back' So they are still about.

  9. Hi hope you can help I had a Lloyds TSB Loan about 4years ago. The loan is for five years and this included a PPI which I thought was a good idea as I was going to be self employed (one man show) 3years ago I started to have health problems which meant I had to go on the sick and therefore the PPI kicked in. This has been running for 35months and I have had a number of operations I am now waiting for a further one. My suprise was on Saturday when I had a letter from the insurers who said 'We are just sorting out your latest claim but after this one we will not be paying any more' This obviously concerns me as I asumed that when I took out the PPI that it would cover me for the length of the loan. I am now in a position where I will be unable to work due to the forthcoming operation and will still have the loan over my head. Can I take any action in relation to the Bank. Obviously the first question I think I would ask would be 'Why have you sold me an insurance policy that does not cover the period of the loan'

    Any help would be appreciated.



  10. With all due respect to Mosseycat and with thanks for the advice I didn't need an expert to tell me how they entered the car as there was a large hole where the lock should have been and again with respect I would suggest how they got into the car was very relevant.

    I believe that it is not my job to investigate the crime that is the job of the police and certaily not my job to investigate the claim on behalf on my insurance company who I pay a great deal of money to insurer my belongings. If they beleive that I am making a fraudulant claim, and I fail to see how they can come to that conclusion due to the fact that the only persons who have seen the damage to my car is me, my wife, my mate. Both the police and insurers have only spoken to me over the phone and have not and as far as I am aware will not be viewing the damage and at the present time as far as the insurers are concerned there course of investigation at the present is no more than a 'Desk Top Investigation. In my view they could employ a local person to call and examine the damage and speak to me in person.



    Ian A

  11. Some general advice if possible please. I have an idea what I am going to do at some stage.

    I will try and make it short and sweet.

    I had my car broken into by someone punching a hole in the drivers side lock. It appears that with VW cars this is common, and they then inserted some sort of implement and managed to lower all windows and therefore enter the car by unlocking it from the inside. They stole a number of items that were contained in a bag in the boot. The bag being found in an entry and returned to me later that day. The matter was reported to the police. (Who are on the trail) and then informed my car insurers. As to be expected they only insured contents up to £100 and as the excess was less than the property stolen and damage it wasn't worth claiming.

    I then telephoned my house insurers as I have general goods insured up to the value of £8000 away fom my property the items stolen are covered by this insurance.

    Having spent the first part of the call pressing this button that button and waiting I gave brief details of the event and was told that someone would make contact and take a full claim within 24 hours.

    I was contacted the following day and gave the full delails of the theft, the details of the police and their crime number and I was able to provide serial numbers etc of the property stolen. I was on the phone for 65 minutes answering the most stupid questions imaginable (How did I feel when I found my car had been entered, what colour are you etc etc) and managed to hold myself together even when I was asked for a picture of the hole in the car lock however when the TABLETOP INVESTIGATOR then told me that she did not believe that thieves had entered my car by punching a hole in the lock opening the windows and then opening the car and stealing the goods.

    She stated that in addition to the police report, the full details of items stolen and the picture of the hole in the lock she also wanted a full report from reputable persons as to how the thieves have done this and this has to be done at MY expense.


    Having thought about this for a couple of days days and having visited my local VW garage to be told that YES they will look at my car but the labour alone will be £100 AN HOUR.


    I am of the opinion to tell my insurers that Yes I will and can supply details of the police report, the full details of the property and also pictures of the damage but I am not prepared to take my car to a garage to be examined at a cost to me that could run into 500/600pounds and suggest that if they do not believe me I would like them to send an investigator to examine the car.


    If I get a negative reply I am looking at cancelling the policy with immediate effect taking the matter further.


    I should point out that I know all about false claims etc. My argument is that I should not have to investigate the crime and pay for those enquires


    Ian A

  12. Hi

    Like others I to am new to this site having been issued with a PCN by G24 Ltd for a parking offence in Homebase 354, High Road, Harrow. They have photographed a vehicle driving in and then leaving and state that it was parked there for to long, they claim and want £95 or £75 if paid within 14days. They have not provided a number of other images where the car entered and left the area.

    I have read a vast number of threads today and I am just after the basic advice Do I ignore it or send your template letter to then.

    They have made what appears to be the normal threats of if I do not pay it they will pass it to a recovery agency


    Rgards iana

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