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Posts posted by gforce1uk

  1. here's the letter i drafted to tesco.



    Personal information removed






    Mr ???


    I’m writing to you with a compliant about how my wife ******** was treated after being accused of theft from your store on the 22/08/09

    My wife was confronted and accused three times of reducing roast chickens by Mr. ******** at her post and then marched her out of the store in front of her customers, friends and colleagues. **** came home in tears and stayed that way for days not eating she had panic attacks so bad I had to take her to see her G P. *** then went to a hearing and with no evidence at all Ms***** would have sent her to a disciplinary hearing which would have led to dismissal, only **** provided proof of her innocence. After she provided proof she wasn’t even offered an apology instead ***** spoke to **** in an abrupt fashion. I have been in touch with ACAS and told them in detail what happened and they said you have completely disregarded every rule in your book of conduct and actually told me to contact both my local mp and cindi’s union representative, which I have done the later. A Ms ******* headed this so called investigation and was left wanting. Do your employees not get formal training? Mr. ******* has taken his authority way to far. This isn’t the first time this has happened, but I can assure you it will be the last. I have taken legal advice with a local solicitor and they agree, your company have over stepped the mark. I do not want to go down this road but if forced I will and I have been assured you will incur all costs. My wife loves her job and has been loyal to Tesco, but in light of this she is reluctant to stay there. I have even been told ***** was refused a grievance form which in itself is illegal. I don’t know how this got to this stage, but something has to be done. At the very least **** wants an apology in writing from****** and a verbal apology from ***** in front of ****** colleagues I would like this letter and Ms ****** apology put on file for future reference as I don’t think this kind of abuse will stop. I will be sending a copy to your head office at:


    Tesco House

    Delamare Rd



    EN8 9SL





    My next step is to contact the employment tribunal to see what they have to say. At this time I will hope you give cindi a grievance form and her union rep will take it from there. Please be assured that this will not go away. You are in breach of your own human rights for staff. I just can’t believe that in this day and age this kind of thing could happen. If your staff were properly trained to deal with these matters and not act like Gestapo, it would have been resolved in minutes. I have been shopping at Tesco for more than thirty five years, but I wont ever again. I apologise if this letter comes across sharp or threatening, but you have no idea just how angry and upset your company have made myself and my wife feel.

    I hope you resolve this matter as soon as possible, discretely unlike ******. I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and hope you find time to reply to this complaint or please feel free to phone me at the above number.


    Yours sincerely


    Mr ********

  2. on the reciept it said roast chichen 66p (sliced chicken in a vacium pack) tesco thought it was for a whole roast chicken from the deli counter, my wifes manager wanted to know how they found out about it in the first place as they must have been watching her, also she didnt actually buy it i did will i was waiting for her to finish work.she was told she would recieve written notice and it had to be hand delivered so we had to be home,but they just pushed it through the letter box.it didnt say what the hearing was about.at the hearing they produced a price tag for roast chicken at 66p,but when my wife pulled out her reciept and the packet of roast chicken they left to check it and when they returned they said she could go back to work.it was the chief of security at tesco that made the compliant, but it was a different rep that dealt with the hearing as my wife argue'd that she wanted the security manager present,but they said no.im angry that they didnt handle it with more care and had to ask her to leave her counter infront of her colleges and march her from the building with no evidence what so ever.

  3. my wife has worked for tesco for a few years now,but last week she was suspended and marched out of the store infront of her friends and colleges. they claimed she had reduced the price of food for her own purchase. she could'nt understand this and checked all are recent reciepts and found the mistake,plus we found the packaging as it was still in the bin. she then went today to the hearing only to be dismissed without evidence so she produced the evidence and they then retreated and gave her job back, no apology nothing. my wife has been crying and so upset she has'nt eaten for days. the person that accused her didnt even have to be present at the hearing, i wasnt allowed into the hearing as they are closed to all including solicitors. surely this is in breach of her human rights at least. we are both so angry that this kind of thing can happen and tesco say theres nothing you can do about it as it there right.i want to know what if anything we can do. we have tried to contact there head office but no luck and we have gave a letter to the store manager with a compliant, but i feel the damage has been done. my wife is frightened to go back to work there. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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