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Posts posted by marcoleche

  1. Is there a protocal for loan companies and banks to follow when it comes to ratios of property equity value, ie can a loan company force you out of your house once they are granted a possession order by the courts, even though the porperties main mortgagee have not got a possession order? The main mortgage is far greater in value than the loan, but both companies have security by way of a charge over the property, ie: a 1st and 2nd charge respectively. Can one company work without the other? Will the 2nd charged company have to wait until the 1st charge have recouped their losses? or can they force the house to be put up for sale without the 1st charged knowning?


    Any info and feed back welcome -:confused:

  2. Hello lovies, has anybody had problems with their local authority planning department and what appears to be biased opinions and unfair harassment over the property they own?

    In particular: Enforcement Notice under s.215 of T & C planning act 1990,

    refering to s. 330 of the same act.

    Same subject area but slightly different theme: How difficult is it to prove the council are biased and acting unfairly towards an individual, and what seems very lob sided decisions in the past, considering two of my neighbouring properties had no conditions/retrictions or preferences made on their approved applications. How can the planners stipulate certain conditions for a shared subject matter? Three seperate applications all at different times, but having one common factor, they all share the same access route. My now expired approval for outline planning had conditions referring to the upgrading and maintenance of the shared track, yet on two other seperate applications by my neighbours for similar developments there is not even a single word mentioned from the planners in relation to to expenditure and upgrading of the same track/access road, which is owned by several landowners, hence we all have a shared interest.


    Quite a long history to this theme, but won't bore all of you with details unless!!!!!


    thanks in anticipation :)

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