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Posts posted by Bobby11

  1. I have received the following letter after a couple of complaint letters relating to collection activity regarding a CCJ which I could prove I was paying every month without fail (standing order).

    SCM were very helpfull when i pointed out the error of there ways and this wa the result.

    The outstanding amount was over £1000 so a result or what??????




  2. right but............


    One of our favourite DCA Mucky Hall tried to collect on a debt which was already a CCj from many moons ago (and is still being paid as required by the court) I asked them for a CCA and got a reply that they were passing the account back to SCM.

    SCM then sent a letter saying basically that they agreed that payments were being made but the OC had changed bank details and so they were not being credited to the account and they would reduce the balance to £xxxx,

    Afew days later a letter fro AIC ltd saying wanted full amount of £xxxx (the same figure as SCM quoted.

    What do I need to do now????

  3. I have recently received a letter from the above apologising for having set Mackenzie Hall on me and agreeing that it was all a clerical error with Lloyds changing collection accounts. " Please deal with us from now on and we will reduce the outstanding amount by £240 as you have proved that you have been paying your ccj.


    Today get a postcard from another collection agency saying that "as our client has issued a SD we require the full payment of £970 now"

    Never had a SD or any contact from their client "LLOYDS" and the debt is to United Dominions Trust what is going on??????


    Not had any phone calls yet but won't hold my breath



  4. Bloo - why not do yourself a favour and do as you have been advised by many different people on here IGNORE EVERYTHING I know it goes against the grain of any law abiding person but it is really the only thing to do with these muppets :D


    They will give up after many (sometimes hundreds) of threatening letters - it all depends how well hooked they feel you are.


    Just forget and sleep easy.



  5. Thank You for your reply,


    The standing order was set up under the correct reference number and account number over 7 years ago and has been accepted every month up until Aug Last year - I use online banking and usually just check the outgoings - it would seem, according to my bank (and they have sent me written confirmation that nothing has changed with the standing order since inception) that every month since Aug last year the money has been returned by the payees bank on the following day to the payment as "returned funds".


    I want to ascertain from SCM why this has happened and why they sent DCA after the money that was being regularly paid under a ccj order.



  6. a company called Sechiarri, Clarke and Mitchell.


    A number of years ago I got a CCJ due to my now deceased ex wife but I won't go into that.


    Everything going along nicely - standing order to SCM set up in the sum of £20 a month as required by the court order and in November 2004 I got remarried and transferred the standing order to our new joint bank account. New wife fully aware.


    Everything going swimmingly until, having moved a couple of times (but never changed the standing order) I got a letter from the above in September 2008 which just said that the balance of the account was XXXXX.

    I didn't think any more of it - after all I was paying by standing order.


    I then got a letter through my door 7th August from McKenzie Hall asking to contact on a personal matter - like a fool I rang - well, why not, any debts I had were being paid off every month.


    Then it started - threatening legal action - demanding I pay immediately - a "doorstep Assessment was promised within 72 hrs unless I send the the full amount so I wrote a letter from here asking for a copy of the CCA agreement.


    That letter was posted recorded delivery 17th August and today I have had a letter back saying that they have passed the account back to the client as they are no longer dealing with my account.


    I must also add that I have now found out from my bank that since October 2008 the £20 payments have been bounced back from SCM as soon as paid yet nothing has changed with the account dtails to pay to.


    The bank tell me that if a company changed their bank details for receiving payments they would have informed the payees bank - which they have not.


    Should I just sit back and see what happens now?



  7. Many years ago (over 15) when with my previous wife we incurred a debt which became a ccj - arrangements were agreed with the court to pay £20 a month - this was paid by standing order ever since and indeed is showing on my bank statement last month.


    In September last year I received a letter to advise that the balance is £1189 and that is all it said.


    I have now received a letter from another DCA stating that they want £1189 within 72hrs or they will send collection agents or take me to court. They will not listen to reason and say that I have defaulted on my payments since August 2008


    How do I get them off my back.


    I thought it was a binding agreement when a CCJ payment schedule was agreed that could not be changed without the courts approval.


    I also thought that a ccj could not be sold on - as appears to have happened here.

  8. Thanks all ,


    A letter has gone off to both TS and OFT yesterday along with two letters to Mackenzie Hall - will wait to see what happens next.


    You would have thought that they would have realised that after 22 Yrs it would be difficult to collect :confused:



  9. Yesterday got home to find a letter on the doormat addressed to me from a company called Mackenzie Hill based in Scotland - the letter said that they were trying to trace me for a personal matter and if I was the person to telephone them immediately. This I did and was told basically that they had traced me as I had an outstanding debt with black horse.

    I couldn't remeber ever dealing with that company and so I asked for dates, he was very reluctant to give me any information and told me he didn't have that information. when pressured more he said that it was for debt from 1987 and that it had a ccj attached.


    I told him that he would have to give me more information because it was 22 years ago and I was unable to remember.


    He was very rude and I must admit I got angry when he said that I had to pay £1100 within 7 days if he produced anything.


    This morning he rang again and said that I would be getting a visit from some enforcement company to my house.


    After looking on here I have emailed them two letters - the first about the debt being barred due to the length of time and a second rescinding permission for either them or their agents trespassing on my land.


    Any further help would be appreciated



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