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Everything posted by JRankoff

  1. Thank you very much tracy for your reply and help. I was wondering if i would be intitled to any other benefits because as a ceiling fixer where my job is working at hights this now has stopped me from working. Being self-employed im not even intitled to JSA. I am under the royal london hospital for observation they would like me to have a chip inplant in to my chest, this chip works the same way as a black box on a plan by recording all the bodys vital signs this has been proven most succesful as my epilepsy is very strange. Im very happy to post this information regarding this technolgy. Please can you help me as im very confused to all this. Thank you. james
  2. hi my name is james i suffer with epilepsy, i have done now for the past thirteen years. i had my first seizure at the age of eighteen but as i have been getting older they have been getting more violent and being a self employed builder this causes a problem for me as i am not only a danger to my self but it put others at danger as well. iv been off work now for the past eight weeks and being self employed i am intitled to no benitfits is this true has anyone any advise please.
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