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Everything posted by wishingforjustice

  1. [problem] alert! Antone wishing to train for thier HGV or LGV licence should know about this company - Flair HGV Training. It is run by a John Dawson, who recently started Flair training after bankrupting his former HGV training business autosearch essex ltd, sterling LGV and Qualitas, leaving thousands of students in debt. The Mirror ran an investigation on him, twice now, once for the HGV schools and once for his former computer training school called amraf which had millions of pound from students and went bust.. put 'john dawson terminal greed' or 'amraf' and 'john dawson autosearch' into google and you'll find the articles, amoungst other things.. Trainee lorry drivers dumped by Autosearch (Essex) Ltd - Investigations http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/investigations/2001/11/terminal-greed.html John Dawson has a track record of taking money for training then bankrupting the company..Anyone wanting to do HGV training should take care to avoid any company this man is involved in. This message is to warn people that his latest venture is called Flair HGV Training.
  2. Please help! any advice very much appreciated.. I am having a nightmare with the small claims procedure, to sum up..Me and my partner hired a company for a 5 day driver training course some time ago, the instructor was negligent and incompetant, in that he fell asleep and then tried to tell us things that were against the dvla handbook (ie wrong), he also became agressive. We stopped the training, contacted the company on the phone and tried to find remedy, asking for a different instructor or to do the course another time. We offered to do the course anywhere else in the UK at any time in the next 12 months. The refused saying we have to carry on or lose the course and our money (around £2000) . Having given up we talked to the instructor..On talking to the instructor he agreed with us that he would supervise our driving but not teach, we agreed to this and drove the rest of the day. The next day the refused to teach us together, this was a part of the agreed terms, we refused this change in the contract and they refused to supply the rest of the course, telling the instructor to park the vehicle and go home. After the course we noticed they had taken unauthorised sums of money (on top of the course fees) from our visa debit cards. We outlined the case and made a small claims court claim and appeared about 14 days ago in court. We lost the case and were made to pay their travel costs. The judge ruled that we breached the contract when we drove supervised, regardless of the instructor falling asleep, teaching wrong and becoming agressive prior to that, and regardless of the instructor agreeing to accompany us for supervision only. I firmly believe the judge to have been incompetant and negligent (i mean, just the visa cards itself is theft no?), but i dont know what to do about it. I cannot afford a solicitor now and i dont know how to appeal. I feel so let down by this so called justice system and would really appreciate some help. Thanks
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