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Everything posted by serendipity2706

  1. I'm looking for some advice. My son was in a student flat in Dundee, finished his course and was accepted in Glasgow for a postgrad course. He moved from his flat to stay with me for a few weeks before moving into new flat in Glasgow and starting the new course. The Council sent him a bill, not realising he'd moved, although he notified them. His post was supposed to be forwarded but a few letters went missing. Months later a final demand arrived for his flat. I phoned council and explained position, and said he had moved with me. Someone there told me, as he was going to start another course it didn't affect my sole person discount of 25%. Some time after I got a letter saying I wasn't eligible for the 25% discount for the period he was with me as he wasn't a student as he was between courses. He'd applied for jobseekers but they had told him he was still regarded as a student, so by the time he arrived with me he had a poorly paid part time temporary job. I have written numerous times to the Council but getting nowhere. Glasgow Council have not charged him for the period between his Courses, nor did Angus charge me for the months between my degree course and teachers training course. Are Dundee making this up as they go along? I've tried searching online but can't find anything specific to the periods between courses. Is there a chance anyone here knows????
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