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Everything posted by vic_wh

  1. Hi All!, I have finally got a copy of all my statements and they are not very clear as to what is being charged for, as I dont know when the standing charge for my advantage gold account went up it isn't easy for me to work out the exact amount which is actually a penalty charge. Should I apply to the data controller for a list of charges, and if i do will they be more specific?? Been trying to sort this out for weeks now, I'm not good at this stuff. OH! another question, on the spreadsheet each amount in the columns is preceeded by a pound sign, mine dosen't work!, will they take it for granted that I am dealing in sterling or could they stall because the currency unit is not stated??. All assistance appreciated Vic..
  2. so if it appears as unpaid items d/d 7.49 wannadoo d/d 10.49 tv licence mbp 70.00 the charge is in fact 70.00 ?
  3. HI ALL! New boy here, just got a complete list of statements from natwest, and I dont understand them at all. never have been good with forms and stuff. Do I just fill in the spreadsheet with the total amount less monthly account charge?, there are items on the statement with no explanation, ie. 9pounds ac charge suddenly becomes 29pounds for no apparent reason.There must be a way even I can understand them all. If anyone else had this problem I would appreciate some advice
  4. I called natwest on an unconnected matter a few days ago and when I was asked was there anything else they could help me with I asked who to make my postal order payable to and for the address of the data controller so that I could claim back my charges, the supervisor was called and when i asked told her what i wanted the address for she said that wouldnt be neccesary as she could order copy statements fir a fee of a fiver. I told her that my account was overdrawn due to unfair charges and she agreed to waive the charge and send me a full set of statements f.o.c. they arrived today, complete 4 working days after my request. Agood start for me!!!.
  5. This is my first post, been looking long enough , time to take action!, I was on the phone to actionline today about an unconnected matter and at the end of the call the girl asked me if there was anything else she could help me with. When I asked her for the name and address of the data controller and who I should make my postal order for ten pounds payable to so that I could find out how much I had paid in charges since my account was opened she seemed confused and had to ask her supervisor if she was allowed to give out such information. Enter supervisor who asked why I wanted this information, when I told her that I wanted to reclaim some unfair charges going back three years Iwas told I would have to have 'copy statements' and there was a five pounds charge for this, but, as I was obviously involved in some dispute the charge would be waived and I could expect a full complement of statements free of charge within the next few days, delivered to my usual address. Sounds too good to be true, I'll keep you posted. vic_wh
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