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Everything posted by deeg

  1. This is slightly a different issue to council tax but relates to Equita Bailiffs, who paid me a visit this morning regarding London congestion charge. I was sent a penalty notice in December for a vehicle I sold in November 2008. I filled in the penalty notice along with proof that the vehicle had been sold and have done this on several occasions and the transport for London and their associates the TEC who deals with fines, have all the paperwork but it hasn't been entered properly there end - hence the confusion. Anyway, this morning bang on the door from Bailiff asking who I was - first reply was who are you? We've had to correspondence from either the Transport for London or said Bailiff Company informing us of a pending visit. He was extremely vague in his questions but asked who I was and about the above said vehicle. I explained the above and also showed him the paperwork that had been sent. His reply was 'oh' I said that I would call the relevant people and get this sorted, to which he replied that I shouldn't bother as it would do no good. Then he mentioned that a member of his team had been 'checking out' my house and the vehicles parked at 2am in the morning, this I found slightly unnerving. Anyway, I have now had to lodge a complaint with the Transport for London, which involves getting a sworn declaration from a Judge. This will then be reviewed and a decision made. The thing here that seems to be missing is that this vehicle is shown by the DVLA that I do not own this vehicle and did not own it at the time of the offence. It’s absolutely crazy. The Bailiff left me with a fond farewell of "I'll be back in a couple of weeks" - Joy! Can anyone advise me on what action I can take?
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