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Everything posted by amichaud55

  1. the moral finger wagger is back... ufffft... nope, i dont think that going 48 in a 40 is a crazy speeder... i wasn't driving 52 or 54, i was driving 48mph... i couldn't care less if my speedo was showing 100mph, if it is inaccurate then so be it. I would have felt relatively confident if a police officer was driving behind me at that speed. Many people I have spoken to have managed to "merge" their offences into one. Mostly by finding a lenient magistrate, not sure what I will do, but it could be worth a try... also there are courses that the magistrates can decide to send you on if he feels that it would serve a purpose. As you are so concerned, for your information I consistently drive at a speed which i consider to be safe considering the type of road, traffic, and conditions. I have never had an accident, and while yes, in 14 years of driving i have received 2 speeding fines (2 of which from a hidden camera in the same location on the same day) on a wide, safe, road with lots of visibility, and no pavement or pedestrians (it is a dual carriageway underpass with a 40 limit!), i consider myself to be a safe and reasonable driver... but thanks for your point of view, it really is a huge help...
  2. yeah, enough of the moral finger wagging thank you very much... 48 in a 40 is hardly a crazy speeder... if i was going 4mph slower, it woudlnt have even flashed the other 3 points are for talking on the mobile the camera is the same one, facing the same way on the same stretch of road. The point that i was going to try to take to court, is that... in a perfect world, I would have been given this ticket at the time of the offence, and would have never sped on that road again. By waiting 10 days to send it to me, and me not seeing it, I am a little concerned that I will get a ton of these NIPs over the coming week.
  3. I have received two NIPs for speeding on the same day in the same location (48 and 51 in a 40MPH zone). One in the morning, and one in the evening. I have to respond to this letter, but would like to request further information from them to see what they actually have, and that it is correct. I will tell them that I need this to refresh my memory of who was driving. As I already have 3 points on my license it is key that i dont get another 6. I'm not sure how to plea with them that I should only be given one of these tickets though. Luck will need to be on my side, clearly. Any thoughts on this would be great. Thanks Laura
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